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比尔天天都来探望康尼。Bill visited Connie every day.

比?天天都?看望康尼。Bill viwebsited Connie eactual day.

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马克和康妮面露喜色。Mark and Connie both instantly beamed.

康妮的反抗的感觉,潜然地滋生了。A sense of rebellion smouldered in Connie.

我非常感兴趣,这是一个很好的题材,康妮。I'm interested. It's a good story, Connie.

康妮接下来两周的预约都满了。Connie is booked up for the next two weeks.

康妮常会向她的牧师寻求忠告。Connie often turns to her priest for advice.

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今早,我和康妮?卡普尔通过电话。I spoke to Connie Culp earlier this morning.

然后康妮把他向她的新丈夫拽着。Then Connie was dragging him to her new husband.

然而,康妮感着一种日见增大的不安的感觉。Connie was aware, however, of a growing restlessness.

报名参加了今年夏天的一个高档的减肥中心。Connie has registered to attend a fat farm this summer.

当安迪的歌声停止后,我朝马克和康妮转过身去。When Andy stopped singing, I turned to Mark and Connie.

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梅艳芳和麦杰文会在不同的场次出现。Anita Mui and Connie Mak were guests for different nights.

这是康妮。斯威夫特从斯坦福德中学向你报道。This is Connie Swift, reporting from Stamford High School.

当卡罗送康妮上车时,她也只好同他吻别了。Connie kissed Carlo good-bye when he put her in the limousine.

康你说我适合长发,这样在我表演的时候可以把它们扎起来。Connie says I need long hair that I can tie up when I perform.

康你说我适合长发,这样在我表的时候可以把它们扎起来。Connie says I need long hair that I can tie up when I perform.

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帕蒂知道康妮为卷入这个乱子得到什么好处了吗?What did Patty suppose Connie had been getting for her trouble?

谢谢,康妮,太漂亮了,来我给你拿大衣。Thank you, Connie. They're very nice. Here, let me take your coat.

严格地说,康妮家实际上有四份收入。Strictly speaking, Connie actually lives in a four-income household.