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幸运的是,布里顿有一把电锯。Lucky for Britton, he had a chainsaw.

我送给丈夫的情人节礼物是电锯!I gave my husband a chainsaw for Valentine’s!

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在“出去,出去“中有可怕的电锯“And then there's the terrible chainsaw in "Out, Out --."

第三个士兵把他的20马力链锯加速,开始砍树。The third private revved his 20 HP chainsaw and started to cut.

这时,有人过来告诉您如何正确使用电锯。Then, someone comes by and shows you how to crank the chainsaw.

油锯锯链制动器测试装置,它涉及一种测试装置。Disclosed is a chainsaw arrester test device relating to a test device.

年轻的女大学生在校园内被一个电锯杀手肢解。Young co- eds are being cut up by a chainsaw killer on a college campus.

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这是一个公司,雕刻罩,庭院装饰品,用电锯等。It's a company that carves mantles, yard decorations, etc with a chainsaw.

PPT和下载。直接下载可用于Husqvarna的372xp电锯图解零件图。" direct download of the drawing, Chainsaw Husqvarna 372xp parts " of " the "photographer.

在这匹马“成功”地将自己的头卡在树里以后,人们迫不得已动用链锯才把它解救出来。A horse had to be cut free with a chainsaw after it managed to get its head stuck in a tree.

我们干了还不到15分钟,我那把电锯突然反转了,差点把我的大拇指整个削了下来……我被送到了急诊室,后来又去一位专家那里接受了好几次治疗。We had not been there 15 minutes when my chainsaw kicked back and nearly lopped off my thumb.

他们在后院挖洞,仔细检查垃圾堆,还用链锯清理了草木。They dug holes in the backyard, pored over scrap heaps and used a chainsaw to clear vegetation.

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忽然有一天,有人向您展示并推荐一个新型伐木工具,电锯。Then one day, someone shows up and extols the virtues of a new tree-cutting paradigm, the chainsaw.

但警方不相信克莱昂的话,因为他事后逃离了现场并把链锯扔到了附近的河里。To make it look like a crime, Kleon then fled the scene and threw the chainsaw into a nearby river.

该产品是一种合法但危险的产品,在出售的时候应该像出售电锯一样给顾客一个警告。The product is a legal though dangerous product that should be sold with a warning, like a chainsaw.

便携钻机或是电动链锯能够节省体力,并使大块木板的粗加工化繁为简。A portable drill or an electric chainsaw could save labour, and make light of roughing out big boards.

啊呀,你真是扫我的兴啊。原来你说的声音是电动锯的声音。太不浪漫了。Well, I know it's not romantic, but I love the sound of a chainsaw and the smell of a pine tree being cut.

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这部电影的灵感来源于披着现实生活中披着人皮的杀人犯爱德·盖恩,但他不使用电锯。The film was loosely inspired by real-life murderer Ed Gein who wore human skin, but didn't use a chainsaw.

斯科尔斯被折磨的心烦意乱,用一记凶狠的飞铲放倒了一个博卡球员。Paul Scholes had a bee in his bonnet about something and ran about lopping Boca players with chainsaw tackles.

本文应用试验法对GJ—85油锯锯架的频响特性进行了研究。This paper discusses the frequency reponse characteristics of the GJ—85 chainsaw handle by experimental method.