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银行家自己么?The bankers themselves?

他们讲得都病倒了。They talk themselves ill.

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他们给自己发王牌。They deal themselves aces.

不过是自我欺骗罢了。They are deluding themselves.

他们今天一反常态。They are not themselves today.

有些人以干荒唐事取乐。Some amuse themselves in folly.

热刺渐渐稳住了阵脚。Spurs are steadying themselves.

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他们很快洗了洗。They washed themselves quickly.

但是他们是在糊弄他们自己吗?But are they fooling themselves?

他们因掷骰赌博而负债。They diced themselves into debt.

他们互相争吵。They quarreled among themselves.

它们会吃到撑死的。They'll eat themselves to death.

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浅薄者才懂他们自己。Only the shallow know themselves.

他们沉浸在工作当中。They immersed themselves in work.

他们都忙着注意自己。They're busy noticing themselves.

帮别人就是帮自己。Bang Bieren is to help themselves.

可是我总是管不住自己。But I always Guanbuzhu themselves.

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他们自己做的决定。They themselves made the decision.

还是让事实说话吧。Let the facts speak for themselves.

面包是修士们自己烘烤的。The monks bake bread by themselves.