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多年来我一直在缓和医疗中心工作。For many years I worked in palliative care.

但这种债券买法治标不治本。But such bond-buying is a temporary palliative.

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在纾缓治疗工作中见到很多爱。I see a lot of love working in palliative care.

上述行动是是必要的短期缓和措施。Such action by the ECB is an essential short-term palliative.

行胰十二指肠切除术54例,姑息性手术27例。Surgery was curative in 54 patients and palliative in 27 patients.

史密斯说姑息疗法可以让患者省下一大笔医药费。Palliative care also could help cut spiraling medical costs, Smith says.

与大多数荷兰人一样,她对姑息疗法知之甚少。Like most Dutch people, she knew little about options in palliative care.

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此后,她已经在40个长期照护院所建立了缓和医疗中心。Since then she has founded palliative care services at 40 long-term-care facilities.

在护理中心使用局部芳香疗法治疗蕈状伤口。Using topical aromatherapy for the management of fungating wounds in a palliative care unit.

在挖掘的时候,对于基地也会产生“姑息疗法”式的暴力性破坏。A sort of "palliative treatment" of the violence done to the site during the act of excavation.

对于肋膜或肺部的髓外造血所引起的症状,放射治疗为一可考虑的治疗方式。Low-dose radiation can be considered for the palliative treatment of pleural and pulmonary EMH.

之前我接受了副作用很强的化疗,姑息疗法帮我控制住了病情,我才受得了化疗。But I used a program of palliative care to control my symptoms and allow me to tolerate the chemo.

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目的探讨胰头癌姑息性手术的术式选择。Objective To investigate the choice of palliative operation for the carcinoma of head of pancreas.

病人在五个月后局部復发并接受缓和经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除及局部放射线治療。Local recurrence occurred 5 months later, and he received palliative TUR and regional radiotherapy.

世界各地的缓痛护理工作者已用一种极为实际的口吻去说服旁人。Workers in palliative care across the world already talk to each other in a very down-to-earth way.

于是忽视了重要问题,比如缓解和安宁疗护。And this comes at the expense of not relaying important issues, such as palliative and hospice care.

结论对于晚期胃癌病人,姑息性胃切除术可延长生存期。Conclusion Palliative gastrectomy may improve the survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer.

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全胃及近端胃姑息切除与远端胃切除同样有效。Palliative total and proximal partial gastrectomies have similar effect with distal partial gastrectomy.

姑息护理是随着临终关怀活动而逐渐产生和发展起来的一种全新的护理方式。Palliative care is a brand-new nursing model came from and developed with the activities of hospitalpice.

在臨床服务方面,许多欧美先进国家已经开始将安寧缓和医療应用于「非癌症」的末期病人。In United State or many European countries, palliative care has been applied to terminal non-cancer patients.