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胸衣最早孕育发生于古罗马时期。Corset produced in the earliest period of ancient Rome.

我想你的意思是激活腹横肌,即紧身衣肌肉。I think you mean to activate the transversus abdominis, ie corset muscles.

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妇女日落后必须穿著束腹且必须要有男伴陪同。Women must wear a corset after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone.

萨缪尔森先生的这本书成了一件约束经济学知识这个无形躯体的紧身衣。Mr Samuelson's book squeezed a shapeless body of economic knowledge into a tight corset.

在换鞋的同时,你将双手摸索进T恤,解开压抑住胸口的束胸。In the shoes at the same time, you will hand in his T-shirt, to suppress the chest corset.

现在我被设定为一个女人,所以我们需要很多露腰上衣,许多紧身胸衣。Now I'm supposed to be a woman, so we've got a lot of midriff , and a lot of tight corset.

而如果两个鲸骨之间有一根鲸骨宽度的空隙,那么这种束衣就是“半骨”的。If the width of a bone was allowed between adjacent bones, the corset was called "half-bones."

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当然,只要可能,女孩就会脱掉束衣或者放松它,但是女孩自己根本做不到。Of course the girl would take off her corset or loosen it if she could, but she was unable to.

我告诉他和通常在那时,我将穿袜带和长袜,严密地限制和丝一样的手套。I told him and usually at that time, I would wear garter belt and stockings, corset and silky gloves.

克罗塞特先生一生献身于教育事业,对国家做出了巨大的贡献。Mr. Corset devoted all his life to the cause of education and made great contributions to the country.

麦当娜还在上个月的格莱美颁奖现场穿了一套有伤风化的纪梵希定制束身衣。Meanwhile, Madonna turned heads in a risque custom-made Givenchy corset at The Grammy Awards last month.

它这样被命名,是因为它会把穿着者的手臂也包起来,好像这个人没有手臂一样,就像维纳斯雕像。It is called that corset because it encloses the arms, so that the wearer appears to be armless like a Venus.

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从这张照片是看不出的,但你知道从后面可以看到她穿着很贴身的紧身胸衣。We can't see it from this picture, but she had these, you know, the wonderful little corset look in the back.

这一部分还将中国妇女的缠足与欧洲女性的束腰现象进行了对比,阐述了两种社会现象产生背景的相似之处。It compares the footbinding in China and the corset in Europe, trying to find the similarity of both phenomena.

20世纪初,保罗·波烈将妇女从紧身胸衣里解放出来。Poiret is recognized with freeing women form the confines of the corset in the first decade of the 20th century.

很可能你会因此获得穿着束身衣,带着小尾巴的超辣靓女的青睐。自此你的晦气将一扫而光。The bonus is that you also get the occasional super hot goth chick in a corset and pigtails. That will brighten your day.

在历史上,也有过这样残酷的美的时尚。比如中国的三寸金莲,欧洲的束腰。In the history, there were such cruel beauty fashions too, such as the Chinese three-inch golden lotus and the western corset.

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从文艺复兴开始到19世纪末,紧身胸衣几乎一直是女性塑造体型的模具。From the Renaissance to the 19th century, corset is almost being the tool to give shape to the contours of the body for female.

其馀未接受手术治疗的疝气患者则以减少透析液填充量、改为自动腹膜透析以及使用束腹带来治疗。The remaining hernias were managed with volume reduction, conversion from CAPD to automated PD and mechanical support with corset.

两组患者均予以功能锻炼,以金属支具束腰,并口服非甾体类消炎药。All patients were treated with therapeutic exercises, lumbosacral corset with steel bracing, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.