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第三棵树被砍成一条长柱子,留放在一个木材堆置场。The third tree was cut into strong beams and left in a lumberyard.

你睡着了然后被惊醒,那就像木场里锯木发出的声音。You drift off to sleep and next thing you know, it sounds like a lumberyard.

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在木材厂里,第三棵树被劈成了木头柱子堆放在院子里,它的愿望和美梦破灭了。And in the lumberyard lay the third tree, in a pile of wood, not made into anything.

在木材厂里,第三颗树被劈成了木头桩子堆放在院子里,它的愿望和美梦破灭了。And in the lumberyard lay the third three, in a pile of wood, not made into anything.

如果你没有,请兰伯亚德削减或要求他们为你的邻居或朋友帮忙。If you don't have one, ask the lumberyard to cut them for you or ask a neighbor or friend to help.

第三棵树感到困惑不已,因为樵夫把她劈成粗大的横梁,而且留在了木材厂。The third tree was confused when the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard.

第三天半夜,暴乱分子又开始袭击太平洋汽轮公司的码头,并放火烧毁该公司的木料储运场。On the third night the rioters attacked the docks of the Pacific Steamship Company and set fire to a lumberyard.

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当伐木工把第三棵树砍成结实的梁柱,并放到木材场时,她很迷惑。The third tree was confused when the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard. "What happened?"

简言之,木材场能让本地居住者和海滩游客在有休闲而有趣的环境中享受丰富的美味佳肴。The Lumberyard Rotisserie & Grill offers locals and coastal visitors alike a variety of tasty fare in a fun, casual atmosphere.

我们把国内急需的钱拿去打仗,中国不参加战斗却在家坐享其成,原材料会变成铜线在美国当地的堆场里出售。We fight and spend the money we need at home, China doesn't fight but gets to profit at home with the raw materials being turned into copper wire they'll sell at the local US lumberyard.