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眼镜比较相似,但是其中一副镶有金箔。They are similar, but one pair has diamanté on it.

没有品味的粉红色衣着和闪光饰品,这类玩艺儿只适合三岁儿童和意大利时装设计师。Naff, pink and diamanté only ever work for three-year-olds and Italian fashion designers.

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这时候时他们留意到我忘记摘下的一对镶着人造钻石的银耳环,“那么我们就要这个了!”Then they noticed a pair of silver and diamante earrings which I had forgotten to remove.

一个大型印刷插图就回来的服装,伴随闪亮的钻石。With A Large Print Illustration On The Back Of The Suits, Accompanying Sparkling Diamante.

女王“衣柜”里有一件绣有亮片、珠子、珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服,1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。They include a silver tissue full-length number embroidered with sequins, beads, pearls and diamante . It was worn during the1972 state visit to France.

女王“衣柜”里有一件绣有亮片、小珠子、珍珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服,1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。They include a silver tissue full-length number embroidered with sequins, beads, pearls and diamante. It was worn during the 1972 state visit to France.

在一片璀璨的光芒中一个带着香奈儿黑色羽毛礼帽的贵妇人,正在试戴一枚精致的戒指,精致切工折射的光芒映射在顶上——那就是顶上的镜子。Visualize a grand dame of Chanel origin with her black hat of feathers trying on a glorified diamante ring and reflecting its unique cut on the ceiling.

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两条让人晕眩的珍珠悬挂在人造钻石的蝴蝶上是春夏珠宝的最佳收藏款适合晚宴时佩戴。Two rows of stunning pearls beautifully hang from two diamante encrusted bows. Part of our Spring Summer 09 Jewellery Collection, these will look great for evening events.

她带着一款名牌晚装表,手提包上镶有一个金扣子,耳朵上戴着青豆大小的宝石,还有一串闪光的手镯,腰系金色腰带,脚底穿着凉鞋。She is wearing a designer evening watch, has a diamanté clasp on her handbag, a pea-sized jewel at each ear, a stack of shiny bangles and is wearing a gold belt and sandals.

最畅销的服饰是摇滚巨星狗--专为那些想要装饰他们纯洁的金毛拾獚像猫王一样穿着带有件闪光饰品的斗篷,领子和喇叭裤。One of the biggest sellers is the rock superstar dog -- for anyone who fancies bedecking their immaculately bred golden retriever in a diamante Elvis-style cape, collar and flared trousers.

最畅销的服饰是摇滚巨星狗--专为那些想要装饰他们纯洁的金毛拾獚像猫王一样穿着带有件闪光饰品的斗篷,领子和喇叭裤。One of the biggest sellers is the rock superstar dog -- for anyone who fancies bedecking their immaculately bred golden retriever in a diamante Elvis-style cape, collar and flared trousers.