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大多数荧光灯不能变灰。Most florescent bulbs cannot be dimmed.

他们选择了这种基因,因为它很容易看到与荧光光线。They chose this gene because it is easy to see with a florescent light.

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萤光绿蛋白可以用作检测蛋白表达。Green florescent protein allows the identification of protein expression.

相反,紧凑型荧光灯泡有些不同。Compact florescent light bulbs, on the other hand, are a somewhat different story.

商店的系统,利用新技术,紧凑型荧光灯和LED照明。Shop for systems that utilize newer technology compact florescent and LED lighting.

走廊内没有窗户,也没有荧光灯泡发出刺目的白光,把这个地方照亮。There were no windows and florescent bulbs illuminated the place with a harsh flat light.

综述近三年来固态光源追赶荧光灯的进展。This article reviewed the progress of solid state sources catch up with florescent lamps.

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水泥地面,荧光灯照明,让办公室看上去很有工业感。With cement floors and exposed florescent lighting, some offices have an industrial feel.

在节约能源和降低环境污染物排放的趋势下,节能荧光灯泡受到广泛欢迎。Energy saving and a move to reduce climate change emissions have made compact florescent bulbs quite popular.

商店进一步设计成让每个人处于人工荧光照明下。Department stores and grocery stores are further designed to keep everyone under false light that is florescent.

联邦官员称使用荧光灯每年可以明显减少电能需求。Federal officials say switching to compact florescent bulbs could significantly reduce energy demands every year.

作者的流动技法多次入选绘画奖项,欢迎各界前来观赏。For this author has won many painting prizes for his florescent technique, we sincerely invite all of you to join.

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实际上,能源星组织推荐将荧光灯泡安装在至少会被使用15分钟的灯具中。In fact, Energy Star recommends installing florescent bulbs in fixtures that are used for at least 15 minutes at time.

还包括数字里程表,真空荧光讯息中心,降低展板与随机测序显示。Also included are digital odometer, vacuum florescent message center, lower display boards with randomly sequencing displays.

那是在大厅尽头的出口处的一盏忽亮忽灭的灯,出口是通往外面的楼梯的。It was a flickering florescent light at the end of the hall by the exit door that led out to the enclosed external stairwell.

LG表示,2011年前,其OLED面板产品将使用荧光材料进行制作,而2012年则将转向使用磷光材料制作。According to LG, its OLED panels will use florescent materials until 2011 and then move to phosphorescent materials after 2012.

联邦官员说更换简洁的荧光灯每年可以节省很大的能源消耗。S. electricity. Federal officials say switching to compact florescent bulbs could significantly reduce energy demands every year.

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每个人都有自己喜欢的栽培方法,我是把花盆放进夹鍊袋,置于日光灯下,但是不要太靠近灯。Everyone has their own preferred routine. I put pots with seeds in plastic zip-lock bags under but not too close to florescent lights.

你或许也听说过这些绚丽杂志的所有者——赫斯特国际集团,是一家总部设在美国纽约的私有出版界巨头。You may have heard about the owner of those florescent magazines—Hearst Corporation, a privately-held media conglomerate based in New York.

紧凑型荧光灯泡组合成的灯泡这些组件的基础,使他们能够在几乎任何地方使用白炽灯泡的适合。Compact florescent bulbs combine these components into the base of the bulb so they can be used almost anywhere an incandescent bulb will fit.