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需求不属于WBS。Requirements do not belong on a WBS.

一般而言,你并不需要一个WBS字典。Normally, you wouldn’t need a WBS dictionary.

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只有可交付成果和活动属于WBS。Only deliverables and activities belong on the WBS.

任何没有包含在WBS中的工作都被视为在项目范围以外。Anything that is not included in the WBS is considered out of scope for the project.

我曾经见到过有些团队把WBS里面的活动往下仅仅分解为一个活动。I’ve seen teams that break one activity in the WBS into only one activity at the next level.

WBS层级的数量及复杂程度取决于项目的大小及性质。The number and complexity of the WBS levels is dependent on the size and nature of the project.

到此,成功实现了基于WBS的工程项目MIS系统与文档信息集成。Thus far, the paper has realized the integration of PMIS and document information based on WBS.

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获得WBS和RBS发展、资源负荷水平、价值管理的技能。Gain high-level skills in WBS and RBS development, resource loading, and earned value management.

项目经理在创建WBS时面对的一个主要问题是如何正确判定工作包的大小。One of the main problems that project managers face while creating a WBS is deciding on the correct size for a work package.

比如说,不要把某个详细WBS活动描述为“会议”,而是写作“安排周例会”。For example, instead of describing a detailed WBS activity as “meeting, ” you should state it as “schedule a weekly meeting.”

由于这个原因,如果你的详细活动是以行动为导向的话一切都要轻松些,正如日程表上的活动那般。For that reason, it’s easier if the detailed activities in your WBS are action oriented — just as activities in your schedule would be.

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这种方法使得项目经理及其团队可以通过若干次会议和头脑风暴活动以渐进明细的方式制定WBS。This method enables the project manager and the team to progressively elaborate on the WBS after several meetings and brainstorming sessions.

新算法生成的线索二叉树比传统的线索二叉树优越,从而使WBS搜索更加简单、有效。The threaded binary tree based on the new algorithm is superior to the traditional one, and thus makes the WBS searching simpler and more effectual.

同时,对项目的计划与进度控制过程中所使用的具体方法进行了研究,诸如SWOT分析、SWART原则、WBS分解等。Meanwhile it also studied the feasible tools and methods used in project plan and schedule control, such as SWOT analysis, SWART principle, WBS etc. in this paper.

工作分解结构把项目工作分成较小和更便于管理的多项工作,每下降一个层次意味着对项目工作更详尽的说明。The WBS subdivides the project work into smaller, more manageable pieces of work, with each descending level of the WBS representing an increasingly detailed definition of the project work.