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它创建一个单一,而且总是坏。It creates a monoculture and that's always bad.

这些表明了城市单一布局的危害。Both demonstrate the dangers of the monoculture.

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但问题是这些树一般都品种单一。But the trouble is they tend to be monoculture plantations.

也许从来就没有什么单一文化社会。Perhaps there has never been such a thing as monoculture society.

单一的森林将导致生物多样性的减少。The trends of monoculture forests leads to biodiversity loss and ecosystem service decrease.

我不想看到又一个时代的客户端单一化,就像八九十年代的微软。I don't want to see another era of client monoculture like the Microsoft one in the 80s and 90s.

如果形势逼迫大众改变方向,大众高层单一的文化又有可能反应迟缓。If circumstances require a change of direction, the monoculture at the top of VW may react slowly.

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但是你不能做是转换整个事情的单一种植园“,如棕油。But the thing you can't do is convert the whole thing to monoculture plantations, " such as oil palm."

他说其最大的原因是“不存在坏人可攻击的电话单一平台”。The biggest reason for this is that "there is no phone monoculture that the bad guys can attack, " he says.

随著领域变大、联络度提高并且更加单一时,寄生虫能造成的伤害也会与日俱增。As fields become larger, more connected, and more of a monoculture , the harm that any given parasite can inflict grows, too.

很少人能够真正理解大量使用化学物品的单一耕作农业所造成的短期和长期的影响。Very few people have a true understanding of the short and long term impacts of chemical-intensive monoculture style of farming.

项目紧邻东部高速公路,在一处高层居民住宅区附近占视觉突出位置。Standing next to the East expressway the project is on a visually prominent position among a monoculture of new residential towers.

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蒋高明指出,单一种植的杨树丛林容易加工成杨树板材,销售过程中利润丰厚。Gaoming Jiang points out that poplar-based plywood can be readily manufactured from monoculture poplar plantations and sold profitably.

同时对间作和单作田土壤温度时空变化特征进行了对比分析。The temporal and spatial variation features of soil temperatures of intercropping field and those of monoculture field were compared and analyzed.

随着栖息地被破坏、被单一栽培的作物体系取代以及被外来物种入侵,生物多样性正在迅速下降。Biodiversity is decreasing rapidly as habitats are destroyed and replaced by monoculture crop systems and invaded by alien species, said the declaration.

水管理系统和棉花单作成为政治与社会控制之机制,故菁英们并无意改变之。The system of water management and cotton monoculture supply a mechanism for political and social control, so the elites do not have any intention to change it.

然而,单一种植的人工纯林使鸟类和其他物种的栖息地减小,因此也缩减了人们本能够从生物天然播种过程中的获取的好处。Monoculture forests reduce the range of habitats for birds and other wildlife and thereby reduce the environmental and economic benefits people derive from wildlife seed-dispersal.

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结果表明,无论是糯稻还是粳稻,基部茎秆化学物质的含量混合间栽比净栽的高。The results indicated that no matter Hexi 41 or Huang kenuo, the contents of glucose, cellulose and lignin of their basal stems under inter-planting were higher than those under monoculture planting.