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我给了她一个红宝石垂饰。I gave her a ruby pendant.

在垂饰上镶绿宝石。Set an emerald in a pendant.

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这个白玉挂件真的是物美价廉。This white jade pendant is a good buy.

这块玉佩是咱们家的传家宝。This jade pendant is our family heirloom.

这条项链有一鸡心型坠子。A pendant worn on a chain around the neck.

链坠挂在一条精巧的扁节链上。The pendant comes on a delicate link-chain.

盒子里有一条漂亮的项链。This necklace is with a heart-shape pendant.

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那耳环是由一根细金链子吊着的。The pendant was hanging by a thin gold chain.

铂金镶榄尖形切割钻石吊坠。Pendant of round brilliant diamonds in platinum.

铂金镶榄尖形切割钻石吊坠。Pendant with round brilliant diamonds in platinum.

链坠另附有镀白金色蛇链。The pendant hangs on a rhodium-plated snake chain.

不色的釉是否是半环型玉下垂?Is not the colored glaze semi-annular jade pendant?

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心型缅甸玉坠鍊,珠宝师工艺手工精镶顶级晶钻。Burma Jadeite heart pendant inlaid with shiny crystals.

她戴了一个绿色饰物,是悬挂在银链上的。She wore a green pendant suspended from a silver chain.

这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶著珍珠。The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald.

有许多类型的美丽的钻石吊坠项鍊。There are many types of beautiful diamond pendant necklaces.

怎么拿着我皇母的玉坠羽扇?are you?Why do you have my mother’s jade pendant feather fan?

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将抛锚短索、卸扣浮标吊给起锚船。Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel.

表面张力之量测乃使用固著液滴和悬垂液滴两种方法。The methods used are the sessile and pendant drop tensiometry.

她喜欢绿宝石项链,及长坠饰耳环。She liked necklaces made of turquoise, and long pendant earrings.