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三三成对地,我们将要大张盛宴。We'll hold a feast in great solemnity.

法官严肃地拿起了小木槌。The judge took up the gavel with solemnity.

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库珀反对它那付道貌岸然、自以为是的样子。Cooper objected to its solemnity and self righteousness.

这说明为什麽今天谈论性话题是一件严肃的事情。This explains the solemnity with which one speaks of sex nowadays.

公文语言之美是一种严肃、和谐的庄重、得体美。Its language has serious and harmonious solemnity and proper beauty.

今天,我们庆祝耶稣基督普世君王节,耶稣君王并不像尘世中的国王一样。Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King.

他们在时间中自我存在,有着不可言说的庄严。They exist in time wholly of themselves, with an unspeakable solemnity.

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年夜马士革最吸引我的是那些伊斯兰的清真寺和庄严明穆的陵墓。Damascus attracts me most are those of Islamic mosques and mausoleum solemnity.

又看了看镜里的自己,极为庄严地叫道He took another look at himself in the glass, and said aloud, with great solemnity

整个大殿很浓重的用龙描绘着,让人感觉到神秘而严肃。The hall is heavily painted with dragons and has an aura of solemnity and mystery.

纷纷扬扬的雪花洒落在矮松上,更给它添了一种特殊的庄严肃穆的气氛。The falling snow-flakes, sprinkling the pinions, gave it a special kind of solemnity.

在赋予当前时期特别严肃性的各种条件下。Under the various circumstances which give peculiar solemnity to the existing period.

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表情高贵而威严,显得严肃、睿智、有权力。The expression is noble and dignified, and characterized by solemnity , wisdom, and power.

总而言之,韩寒在告诉他的读者,庄严之物和年资都不足凭信。Taken together, Han is telling his readersthat solemnity and seniority are not to be trusted.

这不知死活的奴才,竟敢套着一个鬼脸,到这儿来嘲笑我们的盛会吗?What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?

镶嵌在车头正中长形围绕的十字星,象征着尊严和庄重。Mounted on the front around the middle of a long cross-shaped star, a symbol of dignity and solemnity.

受测者对布类的感受,有现代的、平静的、层次的、块状的、简洁的、严肃的等。Emotions stimulated from weave materials were modernity, serenity, layer, block, simplicity, and solemnity.

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中国传统教育理念是“严”在其表,爱在其里。In contrast, the traditional Chinese educational philosophy represents solemnity outside while love inside.

就像我一样,我的父亲并不喜欢拍照,而且在大多数的照片中有一种日耳曼人的严肃。Like me my dad disliked having his picture taken and in most pictures affects a sort of Teutonic solemnity.

康米神父觉得,就如此短暂而便宜的旅途而言,车上的乘客未免过于一本正经了。The solemnity of the occupants of the car seemed to Father Conmee excessive for a journey so short and cheap.