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他速记下一封信。He took a letter in shorthand.

这是速记符号。This is my shorthand notation.

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我已决意学习速记。I have decided to learn shorthand.

他用速记法把演说记下来。He took down a speech in shorthand.

速记员是用速记符号书写的。A stenograph er writes in shorthand.

他用速记法记笔记。The secretary made notes in shorthand.

我学过速记,但没有经验。I've learned shorthand but have no experience.

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记者用速记记下了他的讲演。The reporters took his speech down in shorthand.

不好的地方则是丧失了一个有价值的简写形式。The downside is the loss of a valuable shorthand.

我参加了打字与速记班。I have attended typewriting and shorthand classes.

有些人把Acid3用作是标准的一个快速体现。Some people use Acid3 as a shorthand for standards.

我得将这些速记的笔记译成普通文字。I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand.

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他们准备用速记来记录他将说的话。They prepared to take down what he would say in shorthand.

“这是一个新的速记时代的开始。”唐亚伟说。"This was the beginning of a new shorthand era, " Tang said.

速记和打字被说成是一对孪生技巧。Shorthand and typewriting have been described as the twin arts.

我通过了珠算和速记的商业技能考试。I've passed the tests of business skills for abacus and shorthand.

寡核苷酸和结构也写出来的速记。Oligo-and polynucleotide structures are also written out in shorthand.

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对于这个函数,我们再次使用了一个简短的闭包注释。For the function, we are once again using the shorthand closure notation.

时光匆匆流逝,而唐亚伟的速记生涯却从来没有停止过。With the passage of time, Tang's passion for shorthand has never stopped.

在圆括号里的,代表根目录。In parenthesis now is a tilde which is shorthand notation for My Home Directory.