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路易斯,你在干什么?What are you doing Louise?

路易斯店等等,都是这种东西。Shop Louise", things like that.

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路易丝捧着一掌雨水。And Louise holds a handful of rain.

露易莎把生命交给了约翰。Louise had given her life over to John.

杰森和露易丝是兄妹。Jason and Louise are brother and sister.

路易丝本人在尼姆有亲戚。Louise herself had family ties in Nimes.

路易丝以知其不可为而为之的精神。Louise impossible to succeed in the spirit.

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路易丝用粉扑搽脸。Louise dabbed at her face with a powder puff.

其间,露易丝阿姨走得喘不过气来。As they did, Aunt Louise grew short of breath.

露易斯西班牙语的写作水平和会话水平一样好。Louise writes Spanish as well as she speaks it.

他们知道路易丝·马拉德的心脏很衰弱。They knew that Louise Mallard had a weak heart.

「这个礼拜真是最糟的一个礼拜。」露易丝抱怨著。"This has been the worst week, " Louise moaned.

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露易斯因为偏袒里查德而遭责骂。Louise got a bum rap for taking sides with Richard.

路易斯因为左袒理查德而受到责骂。Louise got a bum rap for tsimilarg sides with Richard.

在我生病而且脾气乖戾的日子里,路易丝对我很有耐心。Louise was very patient with me when I was ill and crabby.

当我在林内特·多尔的舱里询问路易丝·碧翠时。When I was questioning Louise Beauchain in Linnet Doyle's cabin.

路易丝引起哈代家的姑娘玛丽与哈丽特的不满。Louise won the disfavour of the two Hardy girls Mary and Harriet.

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对多尔•布朗森和路易丝•布朗森这对夫妻来说,银行账户分开是个小诀窍。For Doyle and Louise Brunson, having separate bank accounts helps.

路易丝10岁时,斯特普托去世,但爱德华兹出席她的婚礼。Steptoe died when Louise was 10, but Edwards attended her wedding.

联合国常务副秘书长弗莱切特女士Ms. Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations