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像狗熊一样爬。Climb like a bear.

我的事业是登山。What I do is climb.

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攀越每道山岭。Climb every mountain.

我能登多高?How high can I climb?

瑟曦开始攀爬。Cersei began to climb.

就不要爬得太高。Do not climb too high.

更加经济性的攀爬。Climb with more economy.

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我爬不了那堋高。I can't climb that high.

然后我们就开始爬山。Then we began our climb.

艾利乌说,“你们三个赶快爬上去。You three girls climb up.

你能顺着绳子爬下去吗?。Can you climb up the rope?

他作了一次艰难的攀登。He made a difficult climb.

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你到底怎么爬上来的?How did you climb up here?

有些蔷薇花攀在架子上。Some roses climb on frames.

这山很难爬。This hill is hard to climb.

说“我要试试”的小男孩会爬上山顶。Will climb to the hill-top.

我能爬那些石头墙吗?Can I climb the stone walls?

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我正登临你最后的梯阶。On whose last steps I climb.

攀登你的旺图山。Climb your own Mount Ventoux.

给我们力量让我们自己攀越。Give me strength to climb it.