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钼矿砂及其精矿。Molybdenum ores and concentrates.

伊春鹿鸣钼矿为大型斑岩型矿床。The Yichun Luming molybdenum ore is a big porphyry deposits.

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前河金矿属构造蚀变岩型。Donggou Mo deposit belongs to porphyry type molybdenum deposit.

我们公司有两个矿山分别是钼矿和钨矿。Our company has two mines are tungsten and molybdenum ore mine.

旋锻对钼棒具有较好的致密化效果。The rotary swaging processes effect on molybdenum rod was good.

硬化,精密研磨,在车头铬钼齿轮。Hardened, precision ground, chrome molybdenum gears in headstock.

在酸性土壤上种植豆科作物时常发现缺钼。Molybdenum deficiency is found when legumes are grown on acid soils.

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汤家坪钼矿属典型的斑岩型钼矿床。Tangjiaping molybdenum is a typical porphyry type molybdenum deposit.

另外,所述空穴传输层含有氧化钨或氧化钼。The hole injection layer contains tungsten oxide or molybdenum oxide.

润滑颗粒可以是石墨,二硫化钼,等等。The lubricating particles can be graphite, molybdenum disulfide, etc.

对某钼矿石进行了矿物成分分析。Investigation was made on the mineral composition of a molybdenum ore.

钼援助在氨基葡萄糖和软骨素完全新陈代谢。Molybdenum aids in the complete metabolism of glucosamine and chondroitin.

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钼和钒用于各种合金,帮助钢铁防止腐蚀。Molybdenum and vanadium are used as alloys for steel to prevent corrosion.

骨磷含量用钼兰比色法测定。Molybdenum blue chromatometry was used to detect the contents of phosphorus.

钼是豆科作物固氮酶复合体组成的必需元素。Molybdenum is an essential element consisting of nitrogenase enzyme complex.

评介了1996年世界钼的需求、供给和价格。The demand, supply, price for molybdenum in 1996 in the world were reviewed.

元素组合矿床是钼矿资源的一个矿床系列。Mo-W combination ore deposits are the series of molybdenum mineral resources.

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对从铜钼中矿中回收钼的新工艺进行了研究。Recovery of molybdenum from copper and molybdenum middlings has been studied.

简要介绍了目前从废酸中提取钼的几种可行方法。Several methods of removing the molybdenum from the waste acid are introduced.

1984年,赣州钨钼材料厂投产,引进日本技术,生产出了钨粉、棒、丝等产品。In 1984, Ganzhou Tungsten and Molybdenum Materials Factory was into production.