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托尔斯泰一下子就抛给你二十二个人名。Tolstoy bombards you with twenty-two names.

托尔斯泰所有的作品都充满了伟大的仁爱。There is great humanity in all the writings of Tolstoy.

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托尔斯泰厌憎莎士比亚,因为他认为后者没有立场。Tolstoy hated Shakespeare because he didn't take a stand.

如果你追求完美,你永远都不会满足。——列夫?托尔斯泰。If you look for perfection, you'll never be content. -Leo Tolstoy.

那也正是托尔斯泰,想要我们明白的一点。That was certainly the point that Tolstoy was trying to get us to see.

前苏联人通过把托尔斯泰树立为偶像,最终把淘空了。By turning Tolstoy into an icon, the Soviets ultimately hollowed him out.

我与其他学生探讨信仰的问题,我阅读圣奥古斯丁与托尔斯泰的著作。I talked about faith with other students. I read St. Augustine and Tolstoy.

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晚年,在其辞世前的一二十年,托尔斯泰象个传道者。Tolstoy became a kind of prophet in his old age, during the last few decades.

但是她比托尔斯泰挖掘的更深,使其显得不那么诗意了。But she goes further than Tolstoy in her commitment to the seemingly non-poetic.

这时候,托尔斯泰以作家的身分闯出了名声,但依旧感觉不得志。By this time, Tolstoy was being noticed as a writer but he still felt unfulfilled.

托尔斯泰小说中的人物似乎,把人必有一死的事实置诸脑外。The people in the Tolstoy story seem to have put facts of mortality out of their mind.

托尔斯泰笔下的安娜与曹禺笔下的蘩漪以其震撼人心的爱情悲剧吸引着一代又一代读者。Anna by Tolstoy and Poyi by ChaoYu have absorbed generations of readers with their love tragedy.

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纵览托尔斯泰的思想历程和文学作品,可见他宗教理想中对“人”的深切关怀。Tolstoy 's ideological system and literature works are characterized by his great concern to human.

所有幸福的家庭彼此都很相似,而每个不幸的家庭却各有自己的不幸。——托尔斯泰。All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family unhappy in its own way. —— Lev Tolstoy.

1851年,托尔斯泰来到高加索,群山环抱的清明环境使他纷乱的大脑清醒过来。In 1851, Tolstoy came, and the mountains around the Caucasian tomb-sweeping environment tumultuous brain awake.

托尔斯泰刻画了一个高度真实可信的,一个对自己的必死感到惊讶的人的形象。Tolstoy draws a highly realistic and believable portrait of somebody who is surprised to discover that he's mortal.

但我也认为托尔斯泰是认为真有其人,而不只是声称世界上有这样一种人。But I also take it that Tolstoy means to be putting forward more than just a claim that there could be such a person.

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身边永远要带着铅笔和笔记本,读书和谈话时碰到的一切美妙的地方和话语都把它记下来。——列夫·托尔斯泰。Always with a pencil and a notebook, reading and talking all the wonderful places and words to write it down. -- Lev Tolstoy.

伍德·安德森,契诃夫,菲茨杰拉德,福楼拜,海明威,卡夫卡,林·拉德纳,托尔斯泰。Sherwood Anderson, Anton Chekhov , F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gustave Flaubert, Ernest Hemingway, Franz Kafka, Ring Lardner, Leo Tolstoy.

为艺术下定义的伟大事业,是一串失败和失败者,其中有柏拉图、亚里士多德和托尔斯泰这样的大腕。The great enterprise of defining art consists of a string of failures and losers, including the big shots such as Plato, Aristotle and Tolstoy.