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他们得绕过路障。They had to detour a road-block.

此路不通,行人绕行。No Through Route For Pedestrians Detour.

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我们必须辛苦地绕远路。We'd have to take some laborious detour.

这就象一个小实验和走偏门。It's like a little experiment and detour.

我们为了避开洪水得绕道而行。We had to make a detour round the floods.

于连提出一种“迂回”的研究策略。Jullien introduces a "detour" research strategy.

涐旳用心所有旳亽都能看到只有迩一个绕行了。My heart all the people you can see only a detour.

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因施工,我们必须绕道而行。Because of the construction, we must take a detour.

路上你决定绕道拜访一位朋友。On the way you decide to take a detour to say hi to a friend.

我常常绕路回家只是为了遇见你。I always detour the way to my home because I want to meet you.

亲爱的弟兄姐妹们,你或许也正在绕道而行。Dear brothers and sisters, you may be in the midst of a detour.

亚伯拉罕第一次下埃及的经验给你何启示?What have you learned from Abraham's first detour down to Egypt?

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这也是我的事业为何没走过捷径而是一条绕了大弯子的漫漫征途的原因。That's why I have taken a long detour instead of taking shortcuts.

上方的电线使得300万伏特的电流绕道而行,使其对地面无害。Upper wires detour the three-million-volt harmlessly to the ground.

在人生的路上,有一条路每个人非走不可,那就是弯路。In the way of life, there is a way everyone must go, that's a detour.

如果熊没有发现你,那你可以迅速绕路远离,但要保持安静。If the bear is unaware of you, detour quickly and quietly away from it.

这一匝道将让她有一个与她情况相符的较慢车速。This detour will allow her a slower speed consistent with her situation.

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不过他们都说要绕道海河大桥。They said we'd take a detour route in order cross the Haihe River Bridge.

制定一个明渠开挖的意外计划,和出现倒塌的绕道计划。Develop an open- cut contingency plan and detour plan in case of collapse.

真正快乐地人,似即使走弯路时,也能欣赏风景地人嗄。The really happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery when on a detour.