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来个水果拼盘怎么样?How about a fruit platter?

铲出烤肉到大浅盘中。Remove roast to serving platter.

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在世界这个偌大的银盘上?。And in a world on a silver platter ?

一份热牛排,还在盘子里咝咝作响呢。One hot steak on a sizzlin' platter.

她把葡萄放到一个大盘子上。She put the grapes onto the platter.

磁盘通常具有多个盘片。Disks usually have more than one platter.

她端着一个用茶布盖着的盘。She carried a platter covered with a tea towel.

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你的梦想提供给你一个银盘上。Your dreams are served to you on a silver platter.

吉库伊正午带来了一大盘无花果和火腿。Jhiqui brought a platter of figs and ham at midday.

大平盘是一种用来供应食物的大盘子。Platter is a large plate from which food is served.

一盘刺身被端了上来,它简直就是完美。A Sashimi platter was served, and it was perfection.

将炒好的荷兰豆放置在盘子的中央。Remove and place in the centre of a serving platter.

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当把食物从烤架上移开时,用一个清洁的盘子装。When taking food off the grill, use a clean platter.

你可以看到第二盘和第二自卸车。You can see the second platter and the second dumper.

把我做的菜整盘都剩下!The idea of leaving my platter without even touching it!

正如您可以看到与泥覆盖盘片的一部分。As you can see part of the platter covered with the Dumper.

因为今天我们作文课的题目是“制作水果拼盘”。Because today our topic is "composition make fruit platter."

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这是一款单盘片的硬盘,厚度只有7毫米。The new HDD is a single platter drive that is only 7mm thick.

安排在与辣根选矿的盛肉盘和毛毛雨。Arrange on a platter and drizzle with the horseradish dressing.

在她视线里的是她的番薯,被排列在一个金属盘上。In her line of sight are her yams, arranged on a metal platter.