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我有神经损伤。I got a neuroanatomic lesion.

病灶强化,室管膜不强化。C. Lesion enhances, ependyma does not.

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你是否认为那损伤有可能是脓肿?Do you think the lesion could be an abscess?

方法派瑞松外用皮损处。Methods Pererson was used on the skin lesion.

最常表现的是以单一病灶为最多。Single lesion is the most common presentation.

肉芽肿是较局限化的。Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion.

脾脏的肿瘤性病变还是增生性病变?。Hyperplastic or neoplastic lesion of the spleen?

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与大脑视丘下核的损害有关。Associated with a lesion of the subthalamic nucleus.

动脉瘤样骨囊肿属骨的瘤样病变。Aneurysmal bone cyst is a tumor like lesion of bones.

皮损消失后心电图亦恢复正常。ECG returned to normal after the skin lesion subsided.

睾丸中见到肿块病变是精原细胞瘤。The mass lesion seen here in the testis is a seminoma.

影像资料研究显示尾骨区有一囊性占位。Image studies demonstrated a cystic lesion of the coccyx.

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组织病理学损伤局限于这些部位。The histopathological lesion is localized at these sites.

结论AMK引起的婴儿肾损伤病情重。Conclusions Renal lesion in infant caused by AMK is serious.

CT扫描胼胝体区均未见异常密度灶。There was no abnormal lesion of corpus callosum on CT images.

LNM程度与肿瘤长度、浸润深度呈正相关。The LNM varied with the length and infiltration of the lesion.

上图为显微镜拍摄到的皮肤病变部位的麻风杆菌。The photomicrograph shown was taken from aleprosy skin lesion.

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相反,蝶窦的膨出是一种少见的病变。In contrast, pneumocele of the sphenoid sinus is a rare lesion.

DWI典型表现为病灶范围内高信号。Hyperintensity within area of lesion was characteristic for DWI.

在一个案例中一个短暂的圆锥髓病变遇到。In one case a transient conus medullaris lesion was encountered.