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这是一个无疑的事实。It is an absolute fact.

有意义的最低的温度。That's the absolute zero.

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这绝对是胡扯。This is absolute poppycock.

这纯粹是耻辱。It was an absolute disgrace.

我认为它根本是在胡说八道。I thk it's absolute bullshit.

他绝对是我最爱的设计大师。so he's my absolute favorite.

你讲的全是胡话!You are talking absolute rot !

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他的老婆是个十足的母夜叉!His wife is an absolute dragon!

由于他是绝对统治者Because he is an absolute ruler.

那女人是十足的母夜叉。The woman is an absolute dragon.

伊萨德的统治很不稳定。Isard's rule was hardly absolute.

让我们归纳一下绝对主义国家的特征Let's characterize absolute rule.

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这些人的糖化血红蛋白绝对值下降了0.53。The absolute drop in a1c was 0.53

他绝对是一个传奇人物。who's just a legend, absolute god.

绝对权力绝对腐败。Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

那绝对是有史以来最差劲儿的了。It's the absolute worst thing ever.

交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。Usually symphony is absolute music.

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交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。Usually symphony is absolute music.

她的钢琴弹得真是出神入化。Her piano playing is absolute magic.

相对于绝对温度。Compared to the absolute temperature.