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对于这种方法,斯金纳举了很多的例子。Skinner had many examples of this.

斯金纳并未给出更进一步的解释。Skinner isn't saying anything more.

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迈克尔斯金纳将是最好的人。Michael Skinner would be the best man.

斯金纳对这一概念进行了扩展。And Skinner extended this more generally.

斯吉那,我要你随时都穿着衣服。Skinner . i want you dressed at all times.

代表人物有斯金纳,桑代克。The work of Skinner , the work of Thorndik.

“先生”对于斯金纳来说是很难说出口的一词。"Sir" was not an easy word for SKINNER to say.

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斯金纳自2004年就一直担任麦当劳的CEO。Skinner has been the CEO of McDonald's since 2004.

弗洛伊德和斯金纳的理论解释了上述一切。Freud and Skinner had explanations of all of these.

在二战时,斯金纳提出,用鸽子来为导弹导航。Skinner developed, in World War II, a pigeon guided missile.

上一堂课我们从弗洛依德讲起,现在我要开始讲斯金纳了。Last class I started with Freud and now I want to turn to Skinner.

付款正式皮货商发货票被发电子邮件在拍卖的末端。Payment Official SKINNER invoices are emailed at the end of the auction.

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斯金纳知道餐厅是唯一的收银台铃响的地方。Skinner knows the restaurants are the only place the cash register rings.

他往斯金纳箱里扔了一只饥饿的鸽子,每15秒喂一次。A hungry pigeon was placed in a Skinner box and fed once every 15 seconds.

更好玩的是,斯金纳喜欢教动物们打乒乓球。More recreational, Skinner was fond of teaching animals to play Ping-Pong.

皮亚杰要比弗洛伊德或是斯金纳成功很多,原因有以下几点Now, Piaget fared a lot better than did Freud or Skinner for several reasons.

在一次视察过程中,她当时的上司斯金纳把各方召集起来以便化解矛盾。Skinner was her boss, and during a visit all parties met to hash out their issues.

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乔姆斯基是如今仍然在世的,最杰出的学者之一。A Review of B. F. Skinner Chomsky is one of the most prominent intellectuals alive.

斯金纳的理论,与弗洛依德的理论有些不同。And the story of Skinner and science is somewhat different from the story of Freud.

我所说的这些学者包括了,亚里士多德,柏拉图,休莫,洛克,弗洛依德以及斯金纳I'm including here people like Aristotle and Plato, Hume, Locke, Freud and Skinner.