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你不能让丹蒂·阿雷特就这么逃走。You can't just let Dante Arete get away.

其核心,就是"德性"这个概念At the core of it, is the concept of arete.

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你不能让FBI从我们手里带走阿雷特。You can't let the FBI take Arete away from us.

如果我们失去阿雷特,就根本没机会破这案子了。If we lose Arete we lose any chance we have of cracking this case.

杰克摇醒阿雷特,他立即要求上洗手间。Jack shook him awake, and Arete immediately demanded to go to the bathroom.

阿雷特没有犹豫,他捡起汉斯莱的武器,从出口跳了下去。Arete didn't hesitate. He snatched Hensley's weapon and jumped through the exit.

手无寸铁的阿雷特无助地呆立在那里,这时一声震耳欲聋的枪声响起,接着又是一响。Arete froze, unarmed and helpless. Then a shot boomed loud, followed by another.

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阿雷特在洛杉矶有很多同伙,在芝加哥和底特律也有不少。"Arete has a lot of associates here in LA. In Chicago and Detroit, too," Hensley said smoothly.

最后,暗影中传来的呼唤声终于让阿雷特扭过头,一群人从停得密密麻麻的车后面走了出来。Finally, Arete turned when shouts came from the shadows. Out of the mass of parked cars, a group emerged.

鲍尔拖着阿雷特往后退,直到后背贴上密封舱壁。Bauer moved backward, dragging Arete with him, until his spine touched the walls of the pressurized cabin.

从那时起,丹蒂·阿雷特就在纽约市的贩毒圈子里越爬越高,近来他还把手伸向全国其他城市。Since then, Dante Arete has climbed the ladder in the New York City narcotics scene, and recently he went national.

在安全门那儿有个FBI特工带着两个联邦警察,他们要求带走丹蒂·阿雷特。There's an FBI agent at the security gate with two federal marshals in tow. They're here to claim custody of Dante Arete.

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这些英雄所拥有的对这些品质的认知,对德性的认知,就是对他们人生意义的认知The recognition of those qualities, the recognition of the arete that these heroes have is what their lives are all about.

一个亮黄色的火球照亮机舱右侧的舷窗,杰克把阿雷特按到在地。Jack threw Arete to the cabin floor as a brilliant yellow ball of fire lit the windows on the starboard side of the airliner.

杰克把阿雷特推到一个靠窗的座位坐下,替他系上安全带,然后再系上自己的。Jack pushed Arete into a seat near a window, then strapped his prisoner down. After his own belt was fastened, he gazed out the window.

杰克觉得交火双方对武器的选择很有趣,他还想起那些枪手是丹蒂·阿雷特亲自派进酒馆的,这也许意味着他们准备杀死的人与正在展开的阴谋有关。Jack found the choice of weapon intriguing. It also occurred to him that Dante Arete had sent the shooters inside that tavern personally.

没有任何能与我们已知的地对空导弹系统挂上钩的线索,我们手头只有阿雷特试图毁掉的那个不知道是什么东西的玩意。Nothing specific to any surface-to-air missile system we're familiar with. All we have is the unidentified object Arete was trying to destroy.

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再说如果阿雷特希望某个人死,有可能是因为他知道一些会危及这名帮派首领的事,杰克也想弄个明白。And if Arete wanted someone dead, it was probably because he knew something that could hurt the gang leader. Jack wanted a part of that as well.

FBI的专机一离开地面,“系紧安全带”指示灯还没熄灭,丹蒂·阿雷特就把身体蜷成一团很快睡着。Dante Arete had curled up into a ball and had fallen fast asleep as soon as the FBI aircraft was off the ground and the "fasten seatbelt" lights went dark.

嗯,查普利先生,丹蒂·阿雷特过去两年肯定是在美国边境走私武器,但他很谨慎,走私的武器投入使用时他总是躲得远远的。Well, Mr. Chappelle, Dante Arete most certainly smuggled weapons across the United States border in the past two years. But he's very careful to be far, far away when those weapons are used.