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他们在设计一个新自来水厂。They were projecting a new waterworks.

五月份,一座新的自来水厂将投入使用。In May a new waterworks will go into operation.

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位于内有一个水族馆,也是水厂手。There is an oceanarium located inside and also lots of waterworks.

本论文设计了小型自来水厂的上下位机数据采集与控制系统。This paper designs a Collection and Monitor System for small waterworks.

皈依法,储蓄甘露法水,为自己营建了自来水厂。Taking refuge in the Dharma, save the ambrosial water and set up a waterworks in yourselves.

介绍郑州市石佛水厂双阀滤池技术改造的实例。The twin-valve filters in the Stone Buddha Waterworks in Zhengzhou city have been renovated.

藻类暴发期间,容易使出厂水浊度升高,并产生藻腥味。At time of algae outbreak the output water of waterworks is smelled and its turbidity increased.

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在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks.

介绍了自来水厂中臭氧浓度的监控与测定方法。The methods of ozone concentration measurement and monitoring in waterworks are presented generally.

水厂加氯消毒是保证自来水品质的关键环节之一。Chlorine dosing disinfection in waterworks is an important process to guarantee the quality of tap water.

控制加入絮凝剂的多少是水厂自动化的关键技术之一。The key technique is how to control the adding quality of flocculating agent in the waterworks automation.

是自来水局得三台检测仪中,两台都没有检测到辐射。At two of three monitoring stations operated by the municipal waterworks bureau, no radiation was detected.

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为了协调水厂的众多生产过程,本文采用了二级递阶控制结构。This paper presents a two-level control structure used for coordinating the complex processes in waterworks.

水行政主管部门应当加强对水工程安全的监督管理。The administrative departments for water resources shall strengthen supervision over the safety of waterworks.

在水厂监控系统中采用了多种硬件和软件上的工业组态技术。Waterworks monitoring system in use in a variety of hardware and software configuration on the technology industry.

小型农田水利工程的建设与管理是农村水利的一项重要工作。Construction and management of small on-farm waterworks is one of the key tasks for water management in rural areas.

第三,应用于以湖泊水为水源的自来水厂处理,除藻降蚀。Third, applies in take the lake water as water source Waterworks processing, eliminates the algae to fall the eclipse.

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比较了二氧化氯的生产方法,及其应用于水厂消毒的工艺探讨。Compared with chlorine dioxide production methods, and its application is researched in disinfection craft of waterworks.

宁波市梅林水厂生物预处理工艺已完成了设计、施工。Design and construction of biological pretreatment technology of Meilin Waterworks in Ningbo City have been accomplished.

中国佛山自来水厂的员工在为好运气干杯,这是一场3,000人参加的宴会,酒席上有13道菜。Employees of a waterworks plant in Foshan, China, toast their good fortune at a 13-course banquet served to 3, 000 people.