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蓖麻油能通便。Castor oil moves the bowels.

有什么好办法治疗拉肚子?。What tweak treats have loose bowels ?

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拉肚子会引起其他什么症状?Other what symptom can have loose bowels cause?

林恩进入了这座漆黑的建筑物的内部。Lyn went off into the dark bowels of the building.

饮食都注意,为何夏天还是容易拉肚子?Food notices, why summer or easy have loose bowels?

月经期间拉肚子是正常现象吗?Is menstruation have loose bowels normal phenomenon?

如果还活着,则剖腹挖出心脏和肠子。Still alive, their bowels and heart would be removed.

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我每天都是准时在早上7点45分排便。I always open my bowels at exactly 7.45 in the morning.

我的肠子还从来没有像现在这样工作过。Never before in my life have my bowels moved like this.

泻盐是一种促使肠子运动的药物。Salts is a medicine that causes movements of the bowels.

没吃不卫生的东西,为什么容易拉肚子?Did not have epinosic thing, why easy have loose bowels ?

她的内脏中仿佛爬满了毒蛇,扭曲着咬着肠胃。Her guts were full of writhing snakes biting at her bowels.

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为什么做了胆结石手术后容易拉肚子?After why becoming gall-stone operation easy have loose bowels?

她必须被净化,经由这净化,她的内部将喷涌。She must purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

麦草对便秘和保持肠道活力有奇效。Wheatgrass is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open.

我将肚肠保持的像头脑和心脏那样高洁。I keep as delicate around the bowels as around the head and heart.

不干,今天早上解了三次。我想我可能拉肚子了。No, I had three motions this morning. I think I have loose bowels.

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她必须被净化,通过这净化,她的内容物将会喷出。She must be purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

他的食物在肚里却要化为酸,在他里面成为虺蛇的恶毒。Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him.

你们在我们心内并不窄狭,而是你们的心肠窄狭。You are not straitened in us, but in your own bowels you are straitened.