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您非常准时。You are very punctual.

外国人很守时。Foreigners keep punctual time.

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健谈,谨慎,守时。Communicative, careful, punctual.

我们应该尽量做到永远守时。We should try to be punctual forever.

你不要指望汤姆会守时。You can’t count on Tom being punctual.

他很守时,从不爽约。He is punctual. He never breaks his words.

我很守约,三月,是我的情郎。I'm very punctual. March is my sweetheart.

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当兵的都很勤奋、守时、勇敢。Soldiers are hardworking, punctual and fearless.

他有名字的你现在是嫌他太守规矩了?。He has a name. And now he's too punctual for you?

我们已经习惯相信火车总是准点的。We have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual.

不守时间是他的最大缺点。E. G. 1 Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.

他享受着为了准时要做的每件事情。He enjoyed almost everything involved in being punctual.

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我们保证按时装运你方所定货物。We guarantee punctual shipment of the goods you ordered.

比如,夸女孩衣着得体,办事有效率或者是极其守时。Maybe she dresses well, is efficient or extremely punctual.

按时上、下班,不得迟到、早退和无故缺勤。Be punctual for classes. No lateness and no unexcused absence.

曾几何时,我方一直催问你方准时交货。For sometime past we have been urging you for a punctual delivery.

雾天我们不能保证火车准时到达。We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.

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所以你应该守时,这样你会赢得别人的信任。And then you should try to be punctual. So you will win others' trust.

开往威斯特海温的快车我们已经习惯于相信火车总是准点的。The Westhaven ExpressWe have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual.

今天下班难得的不拖泥带水,基本准时到家。The class is god-given below today not messy, basic and punctual excellent.