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我们高估了金钱的价值。We overestimate the value of money.

不要过高估计经济问题的重要性。Do not overestimate the importance of the economic problems.

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依我之见,我们不应过高地估价或拒尽任何一种。Personally, we should not overestimate or deny either of them.

这些研究人员并不明白人们为什么会过高估计自己头的大小。The researchers don't really know why we overestimate our head size.

另一些时候,顾客可能会高估一些产品的价值。In some cases, a customer might overestimate the value of the product.

那些极为反感它的人高估了”嘻哈”的腐蚀性。Those who disapprove of it vastly overestimate its capacity to corrupt.

“宁可过分估计也不可估计不足,”他告诉记者。"It's better to overestimate than to underestimate, " he told reporters.

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许多人高估了维C和其它抗氧化剂的好处。Many people overestimate the benefits of vitamin C and other antioxidants.

“它的重要性无可估量”,米歇根说,“当它被归还到秘鲁它将吸引无数人。”It's impossible to overestimate the importance of this piece, Van Rijn said.

在对管仲改革的研究中,有一种倾向,就是对这一改革评价甚高。In the studies of Guan Zhong's reform, there is a tendency to overestimate this reform.

另一方面,GISS的方法也不能对北极的暖化程度有一个准确的反映。On the other hand, GISS's approach may either overestimate or underestimate Arctic warming.

我们经常高估两年内能做到的事,而低估十年之内能做的事。We usually overestimate what we can do in two years and underestimate what we can do in ten.

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但是,的确,过高估计我们生活中抽象辨理的重要性无疑是错误的。But surely it is a mistake to overestimate the importance of abstract reasoning in our lives.

不过在危机之前,美国人往往会高估自己成为富人的机率。Even before the crisis, however, Americans tended to overestimate their chances of becoming wealthy.

事实上,这些不称职的员工正是最可能过高估计自身能力的人。In fact, those people who were most inept were also the most likely to overestimate their abilities.

船买家偏向于高估他们每每将解缆,裁减多少船的费用。Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often they'll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.

马蔚华告诫说,中国银行业绝不能因为去年领先了就过高估计自己。Chinese banks shouldn't overestimate themselves just because they came out on top last year, he cautions.

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华盛顿──大众传播媒体在美国选举中的重要作用无论怎样评估也难以为过。Washington -- It would be hard to overestimate the importance of mass media in the U.S. electoral process.

这就是他们为什么会成为领导者。他们会高估我们的能力,并激励大家相信我们拥有这样的能力。This is why they lead, because they overestimate what we are capable of and inspire us to believe the same.

很难过高估计汽车工业的重要性以及现在面临问题的严重性。It is hard to overestimate the importance of this industry and the importance of what is going on right now.