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他的两腿还有点站不稳。He's a bit unsteady on his pins.

大卫用颤抖的手倒了两杯白兰地。David poured two brandies with an unsteady hand.

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这些数据可用与不稳定的模拟计算中。These data may be useful in unsteady simulations.

他思想不稳,行为游移不定。He is a man of unsteady mind, and acts by planets.

催化剂烧炭再生是非定态过程。Catalyst regeneration is an unsteady state process.

这张桌子必须楔牢,因为它不稳。This table must be wedged up because it is unsteady.

分析指出原因在于特征矩阵中包含不稳定的结构。It was due to the unsteady structure in eigenvectors.

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在分析中计入了非定常项。The unsteady term was incorporated into this analysis.

水击是输油管道系统中经常出现的一种不稳定流现象。Water hammer is a sort of phenomenon of unsteady flow.

他终于开始吸上一口气,但他的声音听来颤颤微微的。He began to breathe at last, but his voice was unsteady.

建立了非定常爆轰波的理论模型。In this paper, a model of unsteady detonation is set up.

计算了吊舱推进器的非定常水动力性能。The unsteady performance of podded propeller was calculated.

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过了好久,它迈出了第一步,虽然不太稳当,但是它接着又走了一步。After a long moment, it took an unsteady step, and then another.

火炮的后效期现象是一种比较复杂的非定常气体动力学现象。Gas ejection from gun muzzle is a more complex unsteady process.

误导者让我用铅代替不稳定的金属。The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal.

误导者让我用铅代替了不稳定的铁。The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal.

它的控制参数易变,非常不稳定。Its control parameters are easy to change, and are very unsteady.

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误导者让我用铅代替不稳定的金属.The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal.

一个9岁大女孩渐进行步伐不稳。A 9-year-old girl developed a progressive unsteady gait for one month.

结果表明,转子流场在定常来流条件下也表现出显著的非定常性。The rotor flow is evidently unsteady even under steady flow condition.