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灭菌星对病原菌几乎没有抑制作用。Miejunxing hardly have no effects on pathogen.

结论MRSA是多重耐药细菌。CONCLUSIONS MRSA is a multi-resistant pathogen.

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病原菌寄主范围较狭窄。The host range of pathogen was narrowly limited.

已经发现至少有一种禽病的病原体。At least one avian disease pathogen has been found.

小枝中的病原菌为黑斑病主要初侵染来源。The original infection pathogen was mainly in twigs.

蝇类携带霍乱孤菌检测结果全部为阴性。All samples of cholera pathogen were tested negative.

结果表明,该病病原体为产气单胞菌。The result showed that the pathogen was Aeromonas sp.

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UU成为杭州地区主要的性病病原体。UU is the main Venereal Disease pathogen in Hangzhou.

难辨梭状芽孢杆菌是一种革兰阳性肠道病原体。Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive enteric pathogen.

进境美国苹果果实中黑斑病病原的初步鉴定。Identification of pathogen of apple black spot from America.

此外还有支原体等病原体感染。In addition also has pathogen infections and so on mycoplasma.

病原菌的效应分子是导致植物发病的毒性因子。Pathogen effectors are virulence factors causing plant diseases.

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引起该病害的病毒属于呼肠孤科斐济属。The pathogen of this disease is belong to Reoviridae Fiji genus.

这种病原体是现有病原体的新株型,还是全新的?Is the pathogen a new strain of an existing foe or something new?

我国学者方定一于1961年首次分离到该病的病原体。The pathogen was first isolated by Fang ding-yi in China in 1961.

但是其它形式的致命病原体今天依然折磨着受害者。But other forms of the deadly pathogen still plague victims today.

不动杆菌是医院获得性感染的主要致病菌之一。Acinetobacter has become a major pathogen for nosocomial infection.

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光照时菌丝生长发育没有明显影响。Light has no significant effect on mycelial growth of the pathogen.

这张图片显示了莱姆病原体在人类血液中的样子。Here, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease is shown in human blood.

结论呼吸道合胞病毒是新生儿肺炎的重要病原之一。Conclusion RSV is one of the important pathogen of neonate pneumonia.