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褐色的伐木工式样的衬衣。The brown lumberjack shirt.

吃的是像一个樵夫。And he ate like a lumberjack.

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爸爸曾经在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州做过伐木工。Dad had been a lumberjack in Washington and Oregon.

消除45木刻和一把斧头欣喜帮助伐木工人。Level 45 Woodcutting and an axe to help Lumberjack Lief.

他参加过竞争激烈的伐木工大赛,也经常获得名次。He had entered grueling lumberjack competitions, and had placed often.

一个身材宏伟的伐木工人挖了「大湖」,好给他蓝色的巨?人?。A lumberjack digstheGreat Lakes to give his giant blue ox drinking water.

完成这个挑战就会允许你的伐木技能达到2级。Completing this challenge allows your lumberjack to reach level 2 in skill.

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月宫外,还有一棵桂花树和一个叫吴刚的伐树人。And outside the palace, there was a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a lumberjack called Wu Gang.

去年,精算师排在数学家之后,位列第二大最理想的职业,最糟糕的职业是伐木工人。Last year, actuary placed second and mathematician first, while lumberjack ranked as the worst job.

是的,成为一个伐木工人是美国最坏的工作。That's right, being a Lumberjack is the worst job in America, based upon the study by

可是,爸爸为什么会放弃水手的生活,远离他喜欢的大海,变成了一个伐木工人呢?Why did his father give up the life of a seaman to become a lumberjack so far from the sea he loved?

从前,有个伐木工人正要砍倒一棵树时,注意到上面刻了一颗心,中间有两个名字。Once a lumberjack was about to chop down a tree, when he noticed a heart carved on it, with two names inside.

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该网站说,油井工人是最不理想的职业,其次是伐木工人、铁匠、奶农和焊工。Being a roustabout was rated the worst, followed by lumberjack , ironworker, dairy farmer and welder, it said.

不远之处,身材高大的阿拉斯加伐木工人作现场伐木竞技和滚木头表演赛,以及攀爬速度、劈木、抛郑斧头等。Not far away, The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show showcases competitions in logrolling , speed climbing, chopping and ax throwing!

她是14个孩子当中的一个,她父亲是个伐木工,他们在家唱小民谣。She was one of 14 children, her father was a lumberjack and they sang folkie little songs in their own family group around Quebec.

另外,宽松牛仔裤和短茄克衬衫也未能盖住他自从银幕消声匿迹以来养的肥膘。Meanwhile, his baggy jeans and lumberjack shirt did little to hide the extra pounds he has clearly gained since disappearing from our screens.

为止,他在俄勒冈州当过伐木工,在明尼苏达州当过医学设备制造工人,在科罗拉多州从事水文工作在内布拉斯加州当过农夫,如此等等。Until now, he's been a lumberjack in Oregon, a medical equipment manufacturer in Minnesota, a hydrologist in Colorado, a farmer in Nebraska, to name just a few.

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目前为止,他已经在俄勒冈州当过伐木工,在明尼苏达州当过医学设备制造工人,在科罗拉多州从事水文工作以及在内布拉斯加州当过农夫,如此等等。Until now, he’s been a lumberjack in Oregon, a medical equipment manufacturer in Minnesota, a hydrologist in Colorado, a farmer in Nebraska, to name just a few.

表演者包括滑稽演员、马戏团小丑、歌剧演员,全部登台演出晚场,剧院“一周8天”挤满了伐木工人。Performer includes comical actor, circus wagon clown, operatic actress, appearance entirely show evening performance, theater " a week 8 days " swarmed lumberjack.

过了几天,孩子们在森林中旅行时发现伐木工人意图杀害一头小熊,危急中麦坎纳现身救了小熊。Passed a few days, children discover when the journey in the forest lumberjack intent is killing a Little Bear, critical in Maikanna saved Little Bear personally now.