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雾中显现出影影绰绰的轮廓。Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog.

她吓得面色惨白。Her face was ghostly pale with fright.

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一个鬼影出现在舞台上。A ghostly figure appeared on the stage.

我的幽灵喉咙突然像被什么可怕的东西哽住了。A ghostly lump came to my ghostly throat.

或者是它们可怕的意志,它们渴望的复仇?Or their ghostly purpose, their pining vengeance?

我在黑暗中看到前面有一团鬼火。I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.

在这幅油画中有一种如纱般的,诡异的质感。There is a gauzy , ghostly quality to this painting.

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只有冷藏柜上的氖灯发出阴惨惨的蓝光。Only the neon in the cold counter glared a ghostly blue.

我记得我张目结舌,它感觉像是一个幽灵般的影像。I remember my jaw dropping. It felt like a ghostly image.

酒吧里的人都把自己打扮成鬼鬼怪怪的样子。People in the bars were dressed in all sorts of ghostly attires.

这如同幽灵的粒子在地球上畅通无阻。The ghostly particles pass through our planet totally unimpeded.

我看见模样古怪的形象和明亮的光,似乎打扰我很多东西。I am seeing the ghostly images and bright light seems to bother me alot.

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幽灵斯巴达们点头,给他一个翘拇指的“可以动手”的信号。The ghostly Spartans nodded, and gave him the thumbs-up "can-do" signal.

色丹岛周围都是海冰——也就是图上鬼魅般的蓝灰色旋涡。The island is surrounded by sea ice—swirling shapes of ghostly blue-gray.

我们可以看到新皮层中这些神出鬼没的电信号”,马克莱姆写道。We saw these ghostly electrical columns in the neo-cortex, " Markram wrote.

现代宇宙学的三个未解之谜,“暴涨”、“暗能量”和“暗物质”,在这个理论中就都归结到新的幽灵物质了。Three mysteries of modern cosmology could be wrapped up in one ghostly presence.

幽灵般的图像在屏幕上闪闪烁烁,但是,除了静电发出的沙沙声外,没有任何声音。Ghostly images flickered in and out. There was no audio except for a static hiss.

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那人死勾勾地盯着他,身子一动也不动,只有那幽灵般的眼睛轱辘辘地转个不停。The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes.

他前往宋代山水画中所描绘的原景,对古典名作进行了模仿。He traveled to the original sites and created ghostly mimics of classic masterpieces.

难道这种睡眠前后的反应只是一个生动、但正常的梦吗?Was that near-sleep ghostly encounter simply a vivid, but normal dreaming experience?