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“字母词”是一个合适的名称。Lettered words is an appropriate name.

她写了一句格言挂在教室的墙上。She lettered a motto for the wall of the classroom.

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在这些标记字母部分的哪一块发生了活动?In which of these lettered parts does action take place?

在盘子旁边,女人看到一张字迹优美的便条。Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered note.

在她的盘子旁边,女人看到了一张字迹优美的便条。Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered note.

字母词有资格进入汉语词典。Lettered words has the qualifications to enter Chinese dictionary.

之前用两种成对的颜色表示,现在是用两对字母GCTA表示Where before it was two colored pairs now it's two lettered pairs.

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这些礼品可以完全归个人所有,你可以在上面雕画,刻字或二者兼有之。And they all can be personalized, engraved, lettered or monogrammed.

我用洗衣店里垫衣服的硬纸板做表格,并给它们用字母编上号。I lettered my lists on the cardboards that came in shirts from the laundry.

那是一个石头做成的圆筒,由几个刻满字母的环形转盘叠加而成。He was staring at a stone cylinder, crafted of interconnecting lettered dials.

站在甲板上,我看见蛇口港的红色大铁架和标着大字的集装箱渐渐逼近。I stand on the deck, watching the Shekou full of red iron frames and lettered containers approaching.

除数字规则已有规定者外,共同海损应按字母规则理算。Except as provided by the numbered rules general average shall be adjusted according to the lettered rules.

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防守稳健,而且头球功夫出色,这些都已经成为杜威的金字招牌。Defends steady, moreover the header time is splendid, these already became Dewey's gold- lettered signboard.

你现在可以允许自己说脏话,如果你开始不喜欢的话,除非你也已经放弃了这些。And you’re allowed to use four lettered words if you don’t like it at first, unless you’ve given those up too.

标题和副标题由短语或单字组成,并用数字标好排列顺序。The topics and sub-topics are noted in brief phrases or single words and are numbered and lettered consistently.

本报讯防守稳健,头球功夫出色,这些都已经成为的金字招牌。The newspaper news defense is steady, the header time is splendid, these already became gold- lettered signboard.

问在上一赛季,我曾经在300米跨栏比赛中独领风骚,现在是否还能同样出色?Would I do well in the 300-meter hurdles, the race I had lettered in the previous season? Would it still be my event?

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此部门商量了汉语字母词与英语缩略语在组成方法上的分歧。This department to discuss Chinese lettered words and English abbreviations in the composition method of the differences.

目前汉语中的字母词有很大一部分是直接使用英语中的缩写形式。In the new era, the Chinese language development should aim to normalize the use of the borrowed initialisms and lettered words.

另外还有教育的连锁,大家钱越来越多了,重视自身的教育,还有小孩的教育。Return lettered chain additionally, everybody money is increasing, value the education of oneself, still have the child's education.