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伊曼纽尔。艾克斯出生于波兰的利沃夫,六岁时开始在华沙学习钢琴。Emanuel Ax was born in Lvov and began to study the piano at the age of six in Warsaw.

我们把元帅抬上了飞机,我和医生以及飞行员一起向利沃夫出发。We took off with field marshal on board, myself, doctor and pilot and set course on Lvov.

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但风暴并未平息,因利沃夫坚持自己的说法,其他专家也对官方数据表示怀疑。Lvov has stuck by his charges and other specialists too have cast doubt on the official figures.

利沃夫新航线将在每周运营3班,分别于每周一、周四及周日在伊斯坦布尔和利沃夫之间往返。Lvov new route will operate 3 weekly classes, one in every Monday, Thursday and Sunday in the round-trip between Istanbul and Lvov.

但风暴并未平息,因利沃夫坚持自己的说法,其他专家也对官方数据表示怀疑。But the storm has continued, as Dr. Lvov has stuck by his charges and other specialists too have cast doubt on the official figures.

据俄通社-塔斯社报道,俄罗斯公共卫生官员奥尼先科指责利沃夫此举是“信息恐怖主义行为”。Public-health chief Gennady Onishchenko accused Dr. Lvov of an 'informational terrorist act, ' according to the official ITAR-Tass news agency.

据俄通社-塔斯社报道,俄罗斯公共卫生官员奥尼先科指责利沃夫此举是“信息恐怖主义行为”。Public-health chief Gennady Onishchenko accused Dr. Lvov of an 'informational terrorist act, ' according to the official IT AR-Tass news agency.

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有关当局公布了利沃夫所说的死亡病例的详情情况,声称这名病人是因肺炎和其他潜在健康问题而去世,并非甲型H1N1流感致死。Authorities published detailed information about the death Dr. Lvov referred to, arguing that the patient died of pneumonia and other underlying health conditions, not H1N1.

在电视访谈中,利沃夫指责奥尼先科领导的机构试图掩盖甲型H1N1流感的爆发情况,以隐瞒他们未能阻止甲流传入俄罗斯的事实。In his TV interview, Dr. Lvov accused Dr. Onishchenko's agency of trying to cover up the scale of the outbreak to conceal the failure of their efforts to keep it out of Russia.

在电视访谈中,利沃夫指责奥尼先科领导的机构试图掩盖甲型H1N1流感的爆发情况,以隐瞒他们未能阻止甲流传入俄罗斯的事实。In his TV interview, Dr. Lvov accused Dr. Onishchenko's agency of trying to cover up the scale of the outbreak to conceal the failure of their efforts to keep it out of Russia. Dr.

当俄罗斯和波兰分裂乌克兰在第聂伯河,哥萨克呼吁土耳其人,谁利用这一机会捕捉Kaminiec在1672年和事先向利沃夫在波兰。When Russia and Poland divided the Ukraine at the Dnieper River, the Cossacks appealed to the Turks, who used the opportunity to capture Kaminiec in 1672 and advance to Lvov in Poland.