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我们家族酒庄起源于19世纪。Our Domaine takes its family origins from the 19th century.

乔治拉斐尔葡萄园逐渐引起我的激情。With Domaine Georg Rafael another passion has come to life.

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像她的名字所显示的那样,这里是打猎的地方。True to its name, the Domaine du Chasseur is a hunting zone.

这款酒是教皇新堡中的经典葡萄酒。The Domaine du Père Pape is the classic wine of Vignoble Mayard.

在伊赫乐吉的巴拉娜酒堡处眺望远方的小屋,葡萄园,还有迷雾笼罩的山谷。Overhead of house, vineyard and misty valley, Domaine Brana Iroulegy.

始建于1868年的勒桦酒庄毫无疑问是勃根蒂地区最杰出的一个。Founded in 1868, Domaine Leroy is unquestionably what the Burgundy does the best.

要找到你的域名,你当然可以来场头脑风暴并焕发你的创造力。To find the right domaine name, you can of course brainstorm and try to be creative.

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第一瓶庄园乔治拉斐尔父子赤霞珠是1996年装瓶的。The first Domaine Georg Rafael Père & Fils Cabernet Sauvignon being bottled was vintage 1996.

大德园是勃艮第特级园中最大的单一园,现在归属于大德园酒庄。Clos de Tart is the largest Grand Cru monopole vineyard in Burgundy, it is belong to Domaine Clos de Tart.

伊丽莎白庄园位于法国南部古罗马时代创建的尼姆市附近,紧邻地中海沿岸。Domaine Elizabeth is located near the ancient Roman city of Nimes near the Mediterranean Coast, in the South of France.

加斯顿疗好了自己的伤,重整了葡萄园,并在这片有着许多洞窟、富含石灰岩的土地上,创建了最为著名的酒庄。Gaston healed himself, healed the vines and went on to create the most famous domaine in that cave-carved, limestone-rich region.

它可以听起来很诱人,但是要避免使用过多的关键字,在合适的情况下,仅在你的域名里包含一个关键字。It could be tempting, but try to avoid a keyword-stuffed domaine name, only include a keyword in your domaine name if appropriate.

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乔治拉斐尔葡萄园位于纳帕山谷的克里克区,纳帕城的西北。The vineyard for Domaine Georg Rafael is located just north-west of the town of Napa in the Dry Creek district of the Napa Valley.

例如,该岛东南部有一个狩猎场,那里青翠葱郁的谷地就吸引了很多想在假日里回归自然的游人。Over in the south-east, for instance, the lush, green valley of the Domaine du Chasseur welcomes visitors on back-to-nature holidays.

多明纳A加本力苏维翁是一款旗舰佳酿,只有在被认为品质极佳的年份酿造该款葡萄酒。Domaine A Cabernet Sauvignon is a flagship wine and is only produced in vintages which are considered to be of an exceptionally high quality.

这豪华和优雅的出版物概述了历史,以及这种酒的声誉和宏伟,并赞扬了多迈纳本身。This sumptuous and classy publication outlines the history as well as the reputation and grandeur of this wine, and pays tribute to the Domaine itself.

我们在台北的法国产区葡萄酒展跟我们的合作伙伴大同顺利安排了一个品尝会。大同亚瑟顿股份有限公司早10年之前开始了销售宝马酒庄的葡萄酒。In Taipei, we benefit from our visit for the French wine Trade show to organize a wine tasting with our partner Tatung which distributes the Domaine des Baumard for about a decade.