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早矢香推她,而工作组不断艾培训的泰瑟。Sayaka pushes her, while WG keeps the taser trained on Ai.

一种革命性的,新的多射门Taser国际创意总监。A revolutionary, new multi-shot ECD from TASER International.

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我想看到泰瑟M26上的充分和完全的效果。I wanted to see the full and complete effects of the M26 Taser.

一队警卫从门内现身,用高压电击枪射中了杰克。A group of guards emerge from the door and shoot Jack with a Taser dart.

泰瑟M26电击枪上运行后,它的'全五秒钟的周期,一切都很好。After the M26 Taser ran its' full five-second cycle, everything was fine.

泰瑟模型将只需按一个按钮就可以电死一群人。The Taser model will electrocute a crowd of people at the touch of a button.

今年晚些时候,民用版的三连发电击枪将开始在美国销售。Later this year, Taser will start selling a civilian version of its three-shot people zapper.

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而且,这款C2还采用了明亮的色彩和设计,比如采用了亮红色以及动物脚印的形状。What's more, the Taser C2 comes in strong colors and designs, like bright red and animal prints.

在制造区域封锁时,可以将泰瑟重叠并且几乎可以无限地串起来。Creating an "area of denial" the Taser can be stacked up and strung together almost indefinitely.

就算是再牛的人也可能会三思过后再走过高压眩晕冲击波屏障。Even the angriest mobs would probably think twice about trying to pass a Taser Shockwave barrier.

我永远,永远,经验丰富,因为他与泰瑟电击枪枪打的M26上如此完整,即时丧失民事行为能力。I have never, ever, experienced such complete, instant incapacitation as being hit with the M26 Taser.

这个简单的问题让他别无选择,拿出警棍和泰瑟枪对着我。This innocent question left him no choice but to pull out both his baton and Taser and charge toward me.

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通过装备前线静园将会使得他们更有效的执行他们的任务。By introducing TASER to all front line Officers will enable them to preform their duties more effectively.

过去的两年中,在其不致命电击枪产品快速成长的推动下,TASR的股价增长约60倍。Taser stock is up some 60-fold in the last two years on fast growth of their non-lethal electro shock gun.

关掉保险后,电击枪上的激光器和白光LED将会照亮目标。Flip off the safety, and the Taser will light up your target with both a laser and white light from an LED.

在佛罗里达州,加州警署调查员说,警察用泰瑟枪来警示学生是合理的。In Florida, state police investigators say police were justified in using a taser against a college student.

泰瑟枪的美国制造商Taser国际公司已向45个国家的军方售出30万支。The gun's American manufacturer, Taser International, has sold 300,000 of them to police forces in 45 countries.

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警方在伦敦大学附近的罗素广场用电击枪控制了一名19岁男子,随后将他逮捕。Police arrested the 19-year-old man in Russell Square, near the University of London, after incapacitating him with a Taser.

胡椒喷雾和电击枪,可有效地减少或战术抵御一个想成为比不起眼,但功能强大的钢笔攻击。Pepper spray and taser may be less tactical or effective in fending off a would-be attacker than the nondescript but powerful pen.

“为了控制局面,我只是做了我该做的。”史密斯给AJC解释他为何一再使用泰瑟枪射击。"I did what I had to do to take control of the situation," Smith told the AJC about his decision to repeatedly discharge his Taser.