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使用构造函数的字符串。Use java. lang. String for strings.

这种咖啡是爪哇咖啡和巴西咖啡搀和制成的。This coffee is a blend of Java and Brazil.

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如果你审核一个非J2EE的应用程序。If you are auditing a non-J2EE Java application.

爪哇咖啡是最受争议的咖啡。Java is one of the most debated substances around.

我需要一个防热护套拿这杯咖啡。它太烫了!I need a java jacket for this coffee. It's too hot!

这些病例发生在西爪哇和万丹省。The cases are from Western Java and Banten provinces.

该病例为来自西爪哇省的一名16岁男童。The case is a 16-year-old boy from West Java Province.

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病例为东爪哇省一名21岁女子。The case is a 21-year-old female from East Java Province.

患者为西爪哇万隆一名20岁男子。The patient is a 20-year-old male from Bandung, West Java.

到1696年,荷兰人开始在爪哇种植咖啡树。By 1696, the Dutch started growing the coffee bush in Java.

据悉,总统苏西洛将会参加爪哇岛中部的一系列活动。The President will attend a series of events in central Java.

新病例来自万丹和西爪哇省。The new cases are from the provinces of Banten and West Java.

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三宝垄是爪哇首府,同时也是重要港口。Semarang is the capital city of Middle Java and has a harbour.

巽他山椒鸟,是山椒鸟科山椒鸟属的一种,为印度尼西亚的特有种。It is endemic to Indonesia, where it occurs on Sumatra and Java.

第三例是中爪哇省一名27岁女子。The third case was a 27-year-old female from Central Java Province.

第1例发生于东爪哇省一名11岁男童。The first case occurred in an 11-year-old boy from East Java Province.

你将看见巴士驶经电器道及渣华道之沿途风光。The sight you see is mainly along the Electric Road and the Java Road.

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一例新确诊病例为东爪哇省一名18岁男子。One newly confirmed case is an 18-year-old man from East Java Province.

这2名妇女居住在西爪哇省的不同分区。The two women resided in different sub-districts of West Java Province.

第二天你会在疲惫中醒来,再去跨上你颠簸的咖啡之旅。You wake up tired the next day and reach for your morning jolt of Java.