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工党企图诽谤邱吉尔先生是战争贩子。The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.

工党企图诽谤丘吉尔先生是战争贩子。The socialists were trying to smear churchill as a warmonger.

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我意愿释放是我祖先史一部分的、战争狂热分子领导人的所有业力。I intend to release all karma for warmonger leadership that is a part of my ancestry.

战争贩子对每个不具飞行异能的生物以及每位玩家造成1点伤害。Warmonger deals 1 damage to each creature without flying and each player. Any player may play this ability.

中国败亡之后,奥斯曼、阿拉伯和英国都觉得必须要阻止我这个战狂。The Ottomans, Arabians, and English all decided that I was a warmonger that must be stopped after China fell.

是谁总是在他国后院想方设法搞破坏呢?Whowould want a warmonger that is always tries to invade other countries in his or her own back yard anyways?

一个战争贩子,懦夫,把年轻的美国孩子送去杀人和被杀,这样他就可以从军火交易中获利了。A warmonger coward who send young American kids to kill and be killed so that he can profit financially from arms deals.

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我意识到,这是为了反平衡我战争狂热分子祖先对其他人造成的核毒素而出现的。I recognize that this was in counterbalance to causing radiation poisoning to others in the actions of my warmonger ancestors.

总统发现他一方面因为参与战争被指责为战争贩子,另一方面因为战争执行不力被称作窝囊废。The president now finds himself accused of being both a warmonger for entering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it.

大量报道都聚焦在希拉里身上,她被描述成了一个害怕俄罗斯的人,一个应当为中东的流血冲突负责的战争贩子。Much of the focus has been on Clinton, who is portrayed as a Russophobe, a warmonger and responsible for bloodshed in the Middle East.

不敢相信!一个战争贩子居然说中国应该和它一起去打压反抗者。这就是“表现得像个成年人”的定义吗?Unbelievable! How can a warmonger tells China to join him whacking those countries that 'defy' orders! Is this how one defines 'act like a grown up?

巴基斯坦未能受惠于经济快速增长的中国,这是一个需要双方认真考虑的严重问题。Pakistan failed to benefit from fast economic growth of china, which is serious question that need careful consideration of both sides. china is not warmonger.

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昨日,韩国举行大规模陆空联合演习,致使朝鲜指责其为“战争贩子”,两国的措辞都在升级。Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger.

投票者拒绝劳动党指认丘吉尔是好战者的策略,相反他们拥护保守党当选,选举承诺他们现在将建立一个“强大而自由”的英国。Voters rejected labour's tactic of labeling mr churchill as a warmonger and instead embraced the conservatives election promise that they would now create a "strong and free" britain.

没什麽可奇怪的,美国人就是一帮脑残,一帮不知羞耻的笨蛋,不管是黑人还是白人,不管是左派还是右派,都在后退。No surprise. The general American public is a bunch of brainwashed shameless idiots. Black and white, right and wrong is all backward. Warmonger and invasion is the moral standard for these jerks.