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气候酷派是什么?What is Climate Cool?

气候变化属于现实存在。Climate change is real.

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学术气氛会相当好So that's a good climate.

一名气候专家问道。" asks one climate expert.

卡尔德隆是个执着的气候专家。Calderon is a climate wonk.

一要共同应对全球气候变化。First, tackle climate change.

美国的大气候正在变化吗?In the US, a changing climate?

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这使得整个气候环境变凉爽。That cooled the whole climate.

银川地处沙漠气候。Yinchuan has a desert climate.

许多人不相信气候发生了变化。Climate change is a substition.

南澳大利亚是干旱气候。South Australia is dry climate.

那里是赤道气候。There is an equatorial climate.

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与气候变化相关的疑案A climate change-related mystery

维亚纳的气候如何?How about the climate in Vienna?

这里是典型的大陆性气候。The climate here is continental.

两国都是气候的罪人。Both nations are climate sinners.

为温暖湿润气候。So the climate is warm and moist.

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美国医学会---全球气候变暖报告AMA Report on Global Climate Change

丰南气候适宜,资源丰富。Fengnan climate and rich resources.

我们得解决这个气侯危机。We need to solve the climate crisis.