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蜘蛛使地窖布满了蛛网。Spiders cobwebbed the cellar.

可立即饮用或是窖藏4-6年。Enjoy now or cellar 4-6 years.

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他们在地窖里储存了一些酒。They had some wines down cellar.

地窖被水淹了。The cellar was flooded with water.

你将成为地窖里的一只土鳖。You will be a wood-louse in a cellar.

只遗留下残垣断壁的地窖And left no trace but the cellar walls

霉菌把Oremus地窖中的酒瓶包裹起来。Mold coats bottles in the Oremus cellar.

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他为自己建造了一个酒窖。He constructed a wine cellar for himself.

水已开始渗入地下室。Water had started to leak into the cellar.

我跟你说过笼子里的饿狗吧。I told you about hungry dogs in the cellar.

我若无其事地从地窖这头走到那头。I walked the cellar from end to end calmly.

这家餐馆以它的窖藏酒闻名。The restaurant is well-know for its cellar.

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你们的藏酒的确非常丰富。You certainly have a very extensive cellar.

这个密封的门不允许水进地窖。The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.

然后,他也被带到地下室去了。Then, he too was taken down into the cellar.

很快他们被锁在地下室的一个小囚房里。Soon they were locked in a cell of the cellar.

他们修建大房子,也希望有酒窖。They're building big houses and want a cellar.

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他们在挖新谷仓的地窖。They're diggin' for — a cellar for a new barn.

一天,我妻子跟着我到地窖去办点事。One day my wife accompanied me into the cellar.

地下室里还有两个煤斗。There are two more scuttles down in the cellar.