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你不喜欢这出戏吗?You're not enjoying the revue?

在2010年一月初,让我们共同见证你的进步。We will revue your progress in early January 2010.

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该节目也为男性脱衣舞表演增加了一些非常规的基调。The show features some unusual tunes for a male revue.

我那时整整一年都因参演一部叫座的舞台滑稽剧作为巴黎舞台上的明星存在着。I had been the star of a hit musical revue on the Paris stage for a year.

这齣音乐剧展示美国通俗歌曲流派如摇滚乐及蓝调。This is a musical theatrical revue showcasing pop standards, including rock & roll and rhythm & blues songs.

整个赛事从加州长滩当地的一个泳衣节目开始,由一家泳装公司组织。The pageant started as a local bathing suit revue in Long Beach, California, organized by a swimwear company.

最近宝冢歌舞团到上海演出,向中国观众展示了它在日本国内外受到的广泛喜爱。Recently, Takarazuka Revue Company came to Shanghai and showed to Chinese people how popular it is in Japan and abroad.

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1914年,“你们看一步”为特征的第一高分音乐杂志完全由顾柏林在纽约开幕。In 1914, "Watch Your Step, " the first musical revue to feature a score composed entirely by Irving Berlin, opened in New York.

同样以烹饪技术闻名的美雪曾经花费六年时间在宝冢歌剧团演出,该歌剧团的成员都是女性。Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue , an all-female musical theater group.

甚至,你还可以从来这影剧院看音乐剧的时尚又精明的观众中看到这种恐惧和不安。This fear and insecurity were evident even in the fashionable and sophisticated audience which had come to this theatre to see the smart revue.

霍恩是在今年晚些时候,要求采取更耗时的项目,在新安装的生产者LEW张国荣的所有黑人音乐杂志黑鸟的部分。Later in the year Horne was asked to take on a more time-consuming project a part in a new mounting of producerLew Leslie 's all-black musical revue Blackbirds.

吃完晚餐过后,他们开着一辆的士到了布罗德威的夏日音乐剧场,那里正好在上演一部英国时俗讽刺音乐剧。Later, when they had finished dinner, they drove uptown in a taxi-cab and went to one of the summer musical shows near Broadway, where an English revue was appearing.

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将由星组首席明星北翔海莉充分发挥受好评的演唱能力,以多采多姿的方式为观众们呈现浪漫的「爱的世界」,这也是宝冢歌舞剧永远的主题。Taking advantage of the well-known singing skills of the Top Star of the Star Troupe, Kairi Hokusho, will richly present the "World of Love, " which is the eternal theme of the Takarazuka Revue.