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可以是酒庄或品牌的名称。This can be the winery or the brand name.

这个酒庄有一个管理轮岗项目。And the winery had a management rotation program.

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我们的下一站是精巧雅致的Massaya酒庄。Our next stop is the exquisitely tasteful Massaya winery.

葡萄酒品尝室提供瓶罐处置过剩葡萄酒。Winery tasting rooms provide jars to dispose of excess wine.

我们发现,潍坊专业翻译这标志着这些酒庄极有个性。We have found that this is a sign of a highly personal winery.

他的“葡萄酒酒厂”叫做母鹿后臀,是家族笑话的主要源泉之一。His "winery" was called Doe Haunch and was a major family joke.

混进周家,雷远知道了炸药的存放位置,就在酒厂。In weeks, LeiYuan know the location of explosive in the winery.

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他想找家花店和当地的葡萄酒厂,但一无所获。He searched for a flower shop and a local winery and found none.

1979年,米高桃乐丝在智利的库里科建立了第一家葡萄酒庄。In 1979, Miguel Torres acquired a small winery in Curicó, Chile.

琪兰酒庄是加州纳帕谷产区内一座有着逾百年历史的知名酒庄。Keenan Winery is a historic winery, which located in Napa Valley.

道伦庄园也是巴罗萨谷唯一一家拥有证书的有机酒厂。Dorrien Estate is also the Barossa's only certified organic winery.

本文将为您揭秘酒庄是如何给一瓶葡萄酒定价的。This article tells how a winery set the price for a bottle of wine.

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老鹳酒庄向以质优闻名。Radgonske Gorice Winery is widely famous for its high quality wines.

云冈啤酒是大同市的地方名产,产于大同市酒厂。Datong Yungang beer is a famous place, the winery produced in Datong.

假如我很清楚它的日期的话,我甚至能说出酒厂的名字。If I was particularly clever on the day I could even name the winery.

酿酒厂的工作引发了对内部空间的重新思考。The works at the winery led to the re-thinking of the external space.

接着我看见这瓶酒的产地是索诺玛,产自旧金山酿酒厂。Then I saw that it was from Sonoma County and from St. Francis winery.

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最初的酒园位于圣赫勒拿岛上的一处古老的所在,号称“魔幻酒庄”。The original site was an old "ghost winery" on Lodi Lane in St. Helena.

酒庄位于朗格多克的鲁西尔地带,东临地中海。The winery is located in the region of Languedoc, east by Mediterranean.

教会批准了他的请求,圣安东尼酒庄得以生存。The church granted his request and San Antonio Winery was able to survive.