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那你就在这澜沧江之上。Than standing on the bank of the Lancang River.

澜沧河大峡谷表现出千差万别的形态。The Lancang River Big Canyon shows a variety of features.

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云南澜沧铅锌银铜矿床为一多金属硫化物矿床。Lancang Pb Zn Ag Cu deposit is a polymetallic sulfide deposit.

澜沧拉祜族自治县境内拉祜族196,000人,是中国此族人最多的一县。LANCANG COUNTY has 196,000 Lahu people, the most of any county in China.

他们决定从澜沧江的源头开始旅行。They decided to begin their trip from the beginning of the Lancang River.

长江、黄河之源头在青海,中国最大的内陆高原咸水湖也在青海。The province is also the source of the Yangtze River, Yellow river and Lancang River.

现在许多村庄通了路,2006年还架起了一座能够穿过澜沧江的大桥。Now we have routes and a bridge that was constructed across the Lancang River in 2006.

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澜沧江南段火山岩十分发育,它们基本沿澜沧江河谷两岸分布。Volcanic rocks are extremely developed on both sides of the southern Lancang River valley.

他们声称中国在澜沧江流域建造的一系列大坝加剧了正在发生的干旱危机。They claim that China's management of a series of dams on the Lancang has aggravated the unfolding crisis.

在金沙江、澜沧江和怒江回归大海的途中,香格里拉是他们温馨的驿站。Shangri-la is just like a warm posthouse for the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang rivers on their way to the sea.

云南澜沧县境内的景迈古茶园是云南省现存面积最大的古茶园。Ancient tea gardens in Lancang County, Yunnan Province are regarded as the provenance of the well-known Pu'er Tea.

大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future.

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然而比这更不寻常,同时也更令人不安的是患病的、发黄的竹林以及露出河床的澜沧江。More unusual here, and more troubling, are the sickly yellow bamboo stands and the exposed bed of the Lancang River.

以澜沧江为例对建立的评价指标、评价标准和评价方法进行了验证应用。The proposed evaluation indicators, criteria and methods are applied to assess the Lancang River in China for demon.

穿着节日盛装的群众欢聚在澜沧江畔、瑞丽江边,观看龙舟竞渡。Dressed in festive costumes of the people gathered in the Lancang River , the Ruili River to watch dragon boat races.

临沧,因濒临澜沧江而得名,是中国西南边陲待开发的一块宝地。Lincang, due to the brink of the Lancang River named, is China's southwestern border of a treasure land to be developed.

本文针对常用的水系提取方法,简单介绍其基本原理,并对澜沧江流域进行了水文信息提取试验,对试验结果进行了比较和分析。The paper introduces the theories and methods of drainage network extraction, and analyses the results of the test in Lancang River Basin.

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该成果对澜沧江国际河流水资源环境空间分析平台的建立提供了基础依据。The results offer the basis for the establishment of the analyzing platform for Lancang International River resources environmental space.

澜沧等地的毕苏人经过识别,已于1990年归入拉祜族,勐海的毕苏人则尚未确定族属。The Bisu people of Lancang have been identified as the Lahu people in 1990. However, the Bisu people of Menghai have not been identified its ethnic genera yet.

阐述了云南澜沧铅矿尾矿和废渣存在的一些问题,提出了切实可行的处理办法。The existing problems of the tailings and waste residue in Yunnan Lancang Lead Mine have been described, and the feasible disposal methods have been introduced.