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随着便携式家用血糖仪的普及。Along with portable home use glucometer's popularization.

大众传媒是科学普及的一个主要途径。Mass media is a dominant means of science popularization.

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无论是他们的产品还是这种普及方式都是非法的。Neither the products nor their popularization is a crime.

其内容涉及到早稻的推广等方面。The content relates the popularization of the early rice.

因此,具有很广阔的推广应用前景。So, have very wide popularization and application prospects.

市场经济推动了艺术通俗化的进程。Market economy, promote the process of popularization of art.

赵树理小说在通俗化中呈现出了高雅的氛围。Zhao Shuli s novels embodies elegance from its popularization.

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并介绍了竹编动物的普及。And it also introduces the popularization bamboo animal weaving.

内科医生中普及心理疾病的相关知识。In internist popularization psychology disease related knowledge.

推广应用两步再生法有较好的社会和经济效益。Popularization of the method has better social and economic benefits.

他们有一段迹近相似的献身文学大众化的经历。They had the same experience of devoting to literature popularization.

义务教育应优先提高学前教育。Popularization of compulsory pre-school education should be given priority.

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科学普及是劳动分工-社会分化的产物。Science popularization is the product of labor division and social division.

易佰特照明是我国数千家区域性的节能灯制造企业之一。Popularization and application of energy-saving lamp is one of the important ways.

积极开展森林公园的科学研究和科学普及工作。To develope the scientific study and scientific popularization of the forest park.

比传统水平尺实用得多,具有一定的推广意义。Much more practical than the traditional level, have certain popularization meanings.

此法通过试验证实其合理性,具有普遍推广的价值。This method has been confirmation by experimentation, it is worthy of popularization.

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我国的高等教育大众化已经是势所必然,就业难是一个不争的事实。China's higher education popularization is a trend and difficult employment is a fact.

办教育要两条腿走路,既要注意普及,又要注意提高。There are two ways to develop education including both popularization and improvement.

经测试,该系统工作性能良好,适合进一步推广。The system we designed works well in the road-test and adapts to future popularization.