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一条船的载货量很难用确切数字表示。He imported wine by the boatload.

他进口了一满船酒。He imported wine by the boatload.

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蕾露和她那些和平卫士们需要大把的安静。Raylou and her pacifists require a boatload of quiet.

在过去的一年,这个网站正在大量的流失用户。In the past year, the site has been bleeding users by the boatload.

格里菲斯离开学校时不仅带走了文凭同样也带走了一堆债务。Griffith left school with not only a degree, but a boatload of debt.

其实你也许有许多可以支配的时间,只是你没有意识到。You might have a boatload of time at your disposal, but don't even know it!

轮船船长、大副和领航员也比人们想象中赚的多。Water vessel captains, mates and pilots also make a boatload more than one might think.

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而且,一艘方舟运来大量殖民者的想法也是来自16世纪的古怪念头。And, the idea of a space ark carrying a boatload of colonists here is a quaint 16th-century notion.

但是,如果你认为大量的金钱和申请能够将任何车辆运入国内,那你就错了。But if you think a boatload of money and reams of paperwork can get any car into the country, think again.

这场交易中,微软又插了一手。我们许愿它不会再引起一场暗无天日的专利之争吧。With Microsoft having a hand in this deal, let's hope this won't end up causing another boatload of patent lawsuits.

我们将在这些新无线技术研发方面走在世界前列,并在此过程中创造出最多的工作机会。We'd also lead the world in the development of these new wireless technologies and create a boatload of jobs in the process.

再举个例子,如果你在硬件上花费一大笔钱来提升你网络服务的能力,那么将会使你的现金流下降。Let’s say you are spending a boatload on hardware to ramp up your web service’s capacity. And it is bringing your cash flow down.

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隐私的存在不仅仅限于网络,但它使近乎无限制地收集信息成为可能。Privacy is certainly not an issue limited to the Web, but it facilitates the nearly limitless ability to gather data by the boatload.

他想到了很多设计方案,但最终的设计很简洁,因为成本和工艺是最重要的两个因素。While he came up with a boatload of designs, the final product is simple because cost and manufacturability are of paramount importance.

今天,美联储发布了庞大的数据转储,揭示了经济危机中后期关于贷款的一大推信息。The Fed delivered a huge data dump today, revealing information about the boatload of loans it made during and after the financial crisis.

全熔化的难题在于它通常会以爆炸起火这种完全的破坏形式而终结。The problem with a full meltdown is that it's usually the end result of a whole boatload of other chaos--explosions, fires, general destruction.

贪婪的企业隐藏了真相,允许美国卖他们的汉堡包,放映他们的电影,并通过船载进口劣质的垃圾。Insatiable corporate greed hides the truth which allows America to sell their hamburgers show their movies and to import badly made junk by the boatload.

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如果我们在个人生活中不把高负债放在心上的话,我们也会选举那些对公共部门负债并不担心的人。If we don’t think twice about carrying a boatload of debt in our personal lives, we will elect people who don’t mind carrying debt into the public sector.

你也许为一个职位而去翻看成百上千的简历,还得在找到适合的人选之前面试一大堆的应聘者进行面试。You may have looked at hundreds of resumes to fill a particular position, and interviewed a boatload of people before you found the right person for the job.

我还从来没有发现有哪一家公司在令自己的主打产品能够适应市场、具备吸引力前对其进行大笔投资能成功的。I have never, not once, been successful with an investment in a company that raised a boatload of money before it found traction and product market fit with its primary product.