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这就是框架效应。Well, that's framing.

什么是一帧钉枪?。What is a Framing Nailer?

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我们来说说框架和税收。Let's talk about framing and taxes.

那么,上述就是心理框架的一个例子。So, that's an example of a framing issue.

大多数的讯框以HDLC标准为基础。Most framing is based on the HDLC standard.

噢,是照片。我刚用镜框装上。Oh, it's a picture I just finished framing.

我们也做雕塑和携带铺架工作。We also carry sculptures and do framing work.

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那些所谓的绘画不值得装框。Those so-called paintings aren't worth framing.

这节课的第二个主题是框架效应。The second theme for this lecture is about framing.

三层的玻璃立面平整地嵌入木框架。The triple-glazed facade is trimmed in wood framing.

“他不来了,”我插嘴说,撒了个谎。He's not coming,' I interposed, framing a bit of a lie.

你突然考虑到很多跟你摄像的框架有关的方案。You suddenly think about framing your shots a lot more.

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本文介绍了一种简易结构的步进分幅式航空相机。A simple structure step framing aerial camera is presented.

用2x4s包裹钢柱,工程完成。Finish round steel columns by framing around them with 2x4s.

可以想象弥尔顿就是运用了这种框架。You can easily imagine Milton employing a framing device here.

你也可以在包裹物外面挂纸面石膏板或者装饰木板。You can then face the framing with drywall or decorative wood.

柱子、暖气管、水管周围的构造Framing around obstructions like posts, heating ducts and pipes.

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黑色的木质框架取材于当地的橡树。The dark wood framing the design is made of locally-sourced oak.

不存在显著的目标框架效应和风险选择框架效应。There were no significant goal- and risk-choice framing effects.

取景时我们会多加色彩或用特殊方式加重处理。Our framing adds color or accentuates the subject in unique ways.