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罗莎带着巨大的热情写作。Rosa wrote with great verve.

一支球队表现出了他们的激情与创造力。One of them showed verve and creativity.

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科罗唱歌既充满激情,又十分灵活。Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility.

中国人物画的突出特点的神韵。Chinese figure painting prominently features verve.

也许波斯纳刚愎自用,但他还有些尖锐和魄力。Posner may be wrong-headed, but he has bite and verve.

宝蓝色衫身绿边相衬,表露出男士时装的神韵。Jewelry blue with green border shows men's fashion verve.

伦敦的创造性与艺术热忱在我眼中引人注目。For me, London stands out in terms of creativity and verve.

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可是伊夫十分虚荣,而维维恩充满了青春的活力。But Eve is very vain. Vivienne is vivacious and full of verve.

“形”与“神”时中国画论中两个基本的概念。Form and verve is two basic concepts of Chinese Painting theories.

所以神韵诗中的"神韵"是馆阁心理的一种刻意掩饰。So the verve in his poems is a sedulous mask of curule psychology.

杨大海以平素罕有气魄和气势给老婆同时也给自己鼓气。Yang Dahai had rare verve and style to the wife also gave his drum.

设计的构思源自中国汉代书简的启发,具有东方意象,融合古今。It has orient verve and combines ancient culture with modern design.

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苏州园林以其独具的神韵诗意、高逸的文化格调,而享誉海内外。Suzhou gardens are famous for their cultural style and verve poetry.

但没有哪支球队有巴西的进攻能力,尤其是在背水一战的情况下。But no team has the attacking verve of Brazil, especially when desperate.

他并没有追问我的泪痕,而是奋力地卖唱,唱的都是一些豪气的歌。He did not ask me to tears, but struggling to sing-song, sing the song are some of verve.

酒店由拥有五百多年历史的正觉寺改建而成,独具东方神韵。The hotel is remodeled by ZhenJue Temple, which has a 500 years history and Oriental verve.

蓝天白云已经展现出秀山人全力创建市级卫生县城的气魄。Blue sky and white cloud mountain people have shown to create municipal health county verve.

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他的魅力,智慧和气魄让他实至名归,成为教你摆脱肥臀,甩掉脂肪的最佳人选。His charisma, wit and verve make him just the person to tell you to get off your ass and lose weight.

虽然娜塔莉反对传统的政治煽动,但我希望我的魅力能打动她。Although Natalie opposed traditional political theater, I hoped my charisma and verve would impress her.

其实,客厅的装饰细节如同女主人,流露出她的漂亮神韵。Actually, the adornment detail of the sitting room is just as goodwife , shed the beautiful verve that shows her.