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我几乎已经不记得高中时候的自己了。I barely remember what it was like in Knightly High school.

他们的传统是骑士精神和所有骑士所具有的品质。Their traditions include chivalry and all the knightly things.

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我们已经叙述过那创造了破晓歌的骑士爱。We have already described the knightly love which gave rise to the songs of dawn.

条顿骑士团是作风冷酷的德意志骑士团体,装备巨型狼牙棒,热衷近身肉搏厮杀。Ruthless Germanic knightly order, well armoured with swords, these knights love a good melee.

他谱写英雄短歌并着手编写不少记叙巫术和骑士历险的故事。He composed heroic songs and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure.

尽管装备精良,这些军队并不如他们的同行——骑士那么优秀。Despite being well equipped these troops are not as good as some of their knightly counterparts.

毫无疑问,圣殿骑士团是整个基督世界中最有实力的骑士团体。The Templars' Station is the home to arguably the most powerful knightly orders within all of Christendom.

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条顿骑士团是作风冷酷的德意志骑士团体,装备骑枪和大型狼牙棒,热衷近身肉搏厮杀。Ruthless Germanic knightly order, well armoured with lances and large maces , these knights love a good melee.

毫无疑问,圣殿骑士团是整个基督世界中最有实力的骑士团体。The Templars' Order House is the home to arguably the most powerful knightly orders within all of Christendom.

唐传奇侠女题材的作品可谓是唐代小说史上一道靓丽的风景线。Legends with the theme of knightly females may be called a wonder in the history of fictions in the Tang Dynasty.

前两次是在2004年巴兹鲁曼的主演妮可基德曼和乔赖特在2007年主演凯拉奈特利。The two previous were Baz Luhrmann's starring Nicole Kidman in 2004 and Joe Wright's starring Keira Knightly in 2007.

与其他基督骑士团体类似,圣地亚哥骑士团最初宗旨乃为朝圣者提供住宿和安全。Like the other Christian knightly orders, the Knights of Santiago owe their origins to offering shelter and safe passage to pilgrims.

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周代以后,以慷慨悲壮、勇敢侠义为主要特征的燕文化成为唐山地区的主流文化。After Zhou dynasty, the Yanshan culture characterized as munificent, solemn, brave, and knightly became the main trend of Tangshan culture.

阿格利鲁尔夫为了保住骑士的名誉,被迫找遍欧洲以证实他十五年前救过的一个处女的清白。In order to retain his knightly rank, Agilulf is forced to scour Europe to verify the chastity of a virgin he rescued fifteen years before.

是时间洗净了那些武器么?或者挥之不去的中世纪骑士传说使得骑士剑和长矛成为想象力的奇观?Is it time that cleanses these old weapons? Or the lingering myth of medieval chivalry that turns knightly swords and lances into imaginative wonders?

这种以象老骑士般维护它的洞穴而闻名的欧亚大陆哺乳动物,其名字可能来自于獾英勇侠义的寓意。Our name for the Eurasian species of this mammal, which is noted for championing its burrow just like a knight of old, may come from the badger's knightly emblem.

新星詹姆斯麦艾维在这部第二部主演的作品中有更纯熟的表现,早已尝试过各种不同类型角色的绮拉奈特莉也有精采而内敛的演出。The new star James McAvoy gave a more mature performance with this second leading role. Already trying every sort of roles, Keira Knightly still has a great and inward acting.

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并顺便说一下,最华丽的铠甲,最宏伟的骑士的比赛,最大的兴趣崇高系所有发生就像封建主义是其出路。And, incidentally, the most gorgeous armor, the most magnificent knightly tournaments, and the greatest interest in noble lineage all took place just as feudalism was on its way out.

斯洛伐克有着数量极多的城堡和庄园,当您在此旅游时,骑士比赛、蓬蓬裙、英勇的骑士或中世纪式的宴会必然会令您感受到浓郁的历史气息。When you visit Slovakia, a country extremely rich in castles and chateaus, surely you will feel a breath of history of the knightly games, fluffy crinolines, gallant cavaliers or medieval banquets.