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象杀母这样的罪行实属不可思议。A crime such as matricide is inconceivable.

主权国拖欠债务也绝非天方夜谭。Sovereign default is far from inconceivable.

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李英国觉得英兆的想法不可思议。The idea of LiYingGuo think British trillion inconceivable.

在意大利,很难想象不下雨我们会打伞。For us is inconceivable to use an umbrella without the rain.

这是多么不可思议的事情,又显得多么滑稽!This is the how inconceivable matter, also appears how funnily !

几乎难以想象鱼干女与食草男会和对方约会。It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other.

如是功德庄严,不可思议。The merits, virtues and adornments such as these are inconceivable.

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如果在几十年前,达斯的故事几乎是无法想象的。A few decades ago, Das’s story would have been almost inconceivable.

人类的智慧理解不了运动的绝对连续性。FOR THE HUMAN MIND the absolute continuity of motion is inconceivable.

2005年的飓风给新奥尔良市带来不可想象的灾难。The hurricane in 2005 brought an inconceivable disaster to New Oreland.

也就不难想像他会为殖民化辩护。I don't think it's inconceivable he's also justifying colonization as well.

如果司机是同谋,那他这么做似乎不可思议。If he was a conspirator, it seemed inconceivable that he would have done so.

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诸佛圣力,诸佛世界,亦不可思议。The sagely power of all Buddhas and all the Buddhas' Worlds are inconceivable.

又能善获四不思议无作妙德。I also became endowed with four inconceivable and effortless wonderful virtues.

我想,如果有人认为我们会让他继续被关押在加沙,那是不可思议的。I think it is inconceivable to believe that we can live him there for more time.

对这种观点持批评态度的评论家,认为这令人难以置信The critics of this point of view would say that's impossible and inconceivable.

是关于造纸的,原料是象粪。很不可思议吧。It is about paper making, its raw material is elephant dung. Is it inconceivable?

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没有冲突的婚姻和没有危机的国家一样,几乎无法想象。A marriage without conflict is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crisis.

我现在才领悟到每个出生的人都是另一个亚当或夏娃。I know now that each beingborn, inconceivable as it seems, is another Adam or Eve.

彼诸佛等,亦称赞我不可思议功德,而作是言。All those Buddhas equally praise my inconceivable merit and virtue saying these words.