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模型分类。Model classification.

测试用例分类。Test case classification.

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智能识别被检者工具。Smart WHO classification tool.

喷枪的分类及类型。Classification and type of spray gun.

西方儿童音乐的分类。Western children's music classification.

真菌类分类仍然是未定形的。Fungal classification is still unsettled.

研究陶瓷熔块分类。Study of the ceramic frits classification.

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给出了NCG的形式分类。The formal classification of NCGs is given.

其四是关于不作为犯罪的分类。Fourthly, on the classification of omission.

中国水筛属植物系统分类。Systematic classification of Blyxa in China.

这可能证明了一种不同的分类。This may warrant a different classification.

为G级星,见恒星分类。For G-class stars, see Stellar classification.

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纽约心脏病学会心功能分级。Classification of function capacity of the NYHA.

反向激动剂指一种新分类概念。Inverse agonist is a new type of classification.

⑻谓词公式的分类。The classification with ⑻ formulary predication.

下一个示例演示了一个这样的分类。This next example shows one such classification.

第三部分,执行裁决权的分类。The third part, classification of judicial power.

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维基百科vs国际十进分类法Wikipedia vs. the Universal Decimal Classification

方法查阅文献并分类总结。Method Literature review and classification summary.

最右边的列显示风险类别。The right-most column shows the risk classification.