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粉刷门窗。Painting doors.

手指画。Finger painting.

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我喜欢画画。I love painting.

农民画啊。A farmer painting.

她爱好画画。She loves painting.

柯伦汤姆绘画。Tom Curran painting.

一本魔术画的书。A Magic Painting book.

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画图或布景。Painting or landscape.

王玲在画画。Wang Ling is painting.

他给图画作最后的润色。He finished up a painting.

他藏有戈雅的一幅画儿。He has a painting by Goya.

这是她的杰作。This is a painting of her.

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小狐狸看着自己的画儿。Fox looked at his painting.

画画儿我还挺在行的。I'm quite good at painting.

我的职业是法律,他的职业是绘画。I'm in law,he's in painting.

画画也是这样,总是在似醉非醉的状态忠进入佳境。It is also true of painting.

脚部轻微烤漆不良。Slight poor painting at leg.

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这场雨把我的画给毁了。The rain ruined my painting.

要画脸的例子吗?Want face painting examples?

过多的漆在玻璃顶部。Excess painting at glass top.